What Interests You? [Asking for Feedback with an Ethical Bribe]
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach
This week I have a question for you to ponder, and then at the end of the message, I have a big favor to ask. So I hope you will read straight through to the end. (Hint: There is a potential prize in it for you if you do. That's the ethical bribe I am offering.)
The question is, are you living the life you want? If so, congratulations! If not, why not? What needs to change to help you make the life you are living the life you want?
That's the question to ponder. So now on to why I am going to ask you for that big favor.
I am currently taking a course on how to build a new course offering, and I am working on what the instructor cheekily calls a "million-dollar idea."
Now, I doubt that any of my ideas will ever amount to a million dollars. But if I flip it around and think in terms of how I could offer my clients a million dollars worth of value, now that's a different story.
Right now, I offer a course entitled, "Jumpstart Your Job Search in 10 'Easy' Steps."
The premise of that course is that job searching is complicated, yet it can be broken down into specific "steps" that you can follow to make your search successful. And by knowing what to do, you shorten the time of your search. It saves you both time and money.
I think I will be tweaking that program and turning it into two distinct programs because 10 steps seem like too much. I need to streamline it or break it down into two or more separate programs.
Before I can get into structuring the course, however, I am directed by my course instructor to create a "catchy title" that conveys the intent of the program in only 3 words. Yikes!
I need help with that, thus my request for feedback from you.
If you were looking for a program that would help you find the job or career of your dreams so you could live the life you want and not just have to "make a living," which title would excite you and get you interested enough to want to know more?
I have created a survey, and I am asking that you participate.
The survey is totally anonymous. But if you respond to me by replying to this message that you have completed the survey, I will enter your name into a drawing for a $25 Amazon gift card.
The drawing will be Friday, June 16th. I will publish the name of the winner in next week's newsletter, and I will send the gift card to the winner by mail.
Please respond to the survey by midnight, Thursday, June 15th to be eligible for the gift card.
As far as the survey goes, I am looking for feedback on different titles that might appeal to you and others like you.
To go to the survey to provide that feedback, click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RMXXJ5H.
It will only take 2 minutes of your time, I promise.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to fill out the survey.
Go to the survey link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RMXXJ5H.
Until next time.
Before you go, just a reminder that I am offering a webinar this week. In fact, I am offering TWO webinar presentations, both on the same topic but presented on two dates and two different times to try to reach as many people as possible.
The first one will be offered Wednesday, June 14 at 1:30 pm EDT, and the second one will be offered Thursday, June 15 at 3:00 pm EDT.
Both will be LIVE and both are FREE.
The title I am using this week is "Earn Money Doing What You Love! 10 Steps to the Job or Career of Your Dreams."
In this presentation, I will be exploring...
- The question of what it means to make a life for yourself as opposed to just making a living.
- What I believe are 10 specific steps you can take to find (or create) your dream job.
- NEW information on the coming BIG change in the economy. (Hint: It is MASSIVE. You want to prepare yourself accordingly.)
- The objections most people offer for why they aren't already pursuing the job or career of their dreams.
And much, much more.
If you have joined me for the "Jumpstart Your Job Search" program before, you might want to hop on this presentation because it is similar with a twist.
I am recently obsessed with what it takes to live the life of your dreams, and I want to explore that question for myself and for you.
So what do you say? Will you join me? Hit this link now and sign up for the date and time that works for you: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/51fe39bfc4.

Are you looking for (or wanting) the job or career of your dreams? Are you having trouble figuring out what that is or how to get there by yourself?
Why not schedule a 20-minute complimentary Discovery Session?
It won't cost you anything but 20 minutes of your time, and who knows? It might change the trajectory of your life! Sign up by clicking here on my calendar: https://kittyatcareermakeover.coachesconsole.com/calendar/

Sign up for a complimentary 20-minute Discovery Session.