Attention! Teachers Feeling Burnout!
Are You Ready for a Career Change?
Are You Excited About Going Back to School in the Fall?
OR Are You Feeling a Sense of Dread About It?
Imagine Being on a Different Career Path Where You Feel Inspired and Passionate Again...Where You Are Making a Real Difference.
Find (or Create) Your Dream Job and Take Advantage of
Special Pricing with…
A 4th of July Sale - “Jumpstart Your Job Search” Program

From: Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Re: 4th of July Sale - Jumpstart Your Job Search!
For: Teachers Who Are Ready for a Career Change!
This message is for the teacher or who is ready for a job or career change, and the sooner, the better!
This is especially for the teacher who still loves her kids but is at the end of his rope with the rest of the stuff that goes with teaching these days.
This message is for you if you are aware that you are feeling the disappointment, disillusionment, and despair of teacher burnout.
You are thinking there must be something else, “out there” that you could be doing instead.
Something that took fewer of your waking hours, perhaps?
Something where you could leave work at work at 5:00.
Something that gave you your weekends back?
Something that paid you well enough that you didn’t have to worry about paying your bills every month.
The problem is you think it's normal to feel the way you feel...It's just the way it is.

But what if you could do something about it, now?
This is the huge problem you face right now. You may still love your kids. You may have grown up thinking that you were always going to be a teacher.
But now the reality of it has hit home. You love the kids but hate so many facets of the rest of the job, that loving the kids just isn’t enough anymore.
You hate the endless paperwork.
You hate the pointless faculty meetings and required professional development meetings that have nothing to do with what you do in your classroom every day.
You hate never having time for your own family because when you aren’t grading mountains of papers, you are planning lessons for next week.
You are tired of never having money to do the fun things that your non-teacher friends can afford to do because they have jobs that pay them more and provide more perks.
You are sick of struggling to pay off student loans when you experience stagnant salaries year after year.
And you are really tired of all the teacher bashing that goes on in the news these days. Teachers are politicians’ favorite scapegoat except when they want their vote.
But that's not the end of the problem...
What makes this even worse is the fact that you don’t know where to begin to look for a different job or career. The only job you ever thought you would have is a job as a teacher. It’s all you ever wanted to do. You were the one who taught your teddy bears and dolls when you were a kid. You were the one who played "school” after school every afternoon. You dreamed of making a difference in the life of a child the same way some teacher somewhere in your past made a difference for you.
But the reality of your current situation falls far short of what you thought it would be like. You may teach in a building that is deteriorating each year, but your district has no money for repair, much less renovation. You may be working with technology that is already 10 years old...nothing cutting edge about that. You may be teaching students who have no interest in your subject and couldn’t care less that you are trying to help them. And their parents don’t want to support you. In fact, they are ready to blame you if their child doesn’t succeed.
Grades have become more important than learning, and testing and accountability is more about the assessing teachers’ authentic performance than the students.
On top of that, many of your colleagues complain constantly, and they can’t wait to retire, but they are hanging on for what’s left of their pension plan.
Does any of this sound familiar?
Luckily for you, there is a solution!
If you are thinking that you are smart and motivated and capable of achieving more in your career than teaching is letting you realize, you are absolutely right. You paid good money for your education. You may have already collected an advanced degree along the way. You are smart. You are certainly talented. You want to provide more for yourself and your family, but you don’t know where to begin a search. You have no idea how to make a transition from teaching to another career.
You feel stuck.
But what if there were a solution?
(There is!!)
Here's the answer you've been looking for...
A Program Designed to Help You Discover How to Make a
Job or Career Change

Keep Reading to Learn More
Join the Jumpstart Your Job Search Program and
Learn How to
Jumpstart Your Career Change the RIGHT WAY!
This 10-Part “Jumpstart Your Job Search” Coaching Program will get you unstuck and on your way to the next job or the career of your dreams!
Here’s what you will discover with this program...
Uncover or discover your natural talents, aptitudes, and gifts with a variety of assessments designed to help highlight the things you love to do, are naturally good at, and may want to use in your next job or career.
Gain focus and clarity around what you need to do next and how to set goals that will get you started on the career transition you want for yourself.
Understand how to write a resume that will give you an advantage over other candidates and will make you a “stand-out” from the mountains of resumes that are received every day
Learn how to write a cover letter that will be read, not trashed without a second glance.
Discover how the Applicant Tracking System works and why it is NOT your friend when you are uploading your resume into electronic systems. Learn the “work-around” so that the ATS doesn’t sink your chances at getting the job you want before you even get started.
Optimize your LinkedIn profile in such a way that it attracts recruiters who are looking for talented people like you with your background, level of education, and work experience.
Understand the importance of auditing your social media platforms other than LinkedIn
Create (or re-create) your personal and professional brand so that you make the most of the talents, skills, and abilities that you have.
Learn how to interview with skill, ease, and poise. Practice with an expert!
Who Is Kitty Boitnott and Why Should I Listen to Her?
I felt just like you back in 2012. I was burned out and had lost my passion for teaching. I wanted to find something that could inspire me to want to get out of bed on Monday mornings. I didn’t want to drag myself to work. I wanted to be excited about my work again!
I did one thing different than most teachers do. I quit teaching. I left much sooner than I had planned. I didn’t know what I would do next, but I knew I couldn’t teach any longer.
I first hired a Career Coach who helped me see what I needed to do next.
Ultimately, I decided to find a brand new career path. I hung up on my own“burn out.” I started the reinventing process by getting certified as a Life Strategies and Stress Management Coach.
I started to coach and mentor teachers who felt stuck and still wanted to make a real difference -- but with less bureaucratic red tape and overwhelm.
I had an opportunity to learn from and work with a top, internationally known career coach, and I worked with her and her team for 14 months. There I learned about career transition and job search strategies. I learned what works for people who are in job transition in all walks of life from all over the world.
As I continued to build my passion-based career as a coach, I published a book called, Stressed, Stretched, and Just Plain Overwhelmed. Since then I have written two job search guides titled 10 Things You Need to Know If You Think You Are Ready for a Job or Career Change, and 3 Secrets of EVERY Successful Job Search or Career Change as well as.
I speak to groups about stress management, work-life balance, and career transition.
In 2016, I was selected as one of the Top 25 Career Coaches Online by In 2017, I was invited to become a member of Forbes Coaches Council, and now I am a regular contributor to
From 2014-2015, I was a regular contributor to the online ezine, (now And I have done all of this while honing my speaking skills as a Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) in Toastmasters International. I also joined the National Speakers Association.
I have reinvented and re-tooled myself so that I have an entirely new career, and I help other teachers discover what they can do instead of teaching. I receive calls from people every day all over the United States and Canada who are just done...they don’t want to teach anymore, but they don’t know where to start a job search that will be successful.
I’ve done it, and I want to help you discover your new passion and career path too.
For more from those who have worked with me, check out the Case Studies on or check out the recommendations I have gained on my LinkedIn profile.
So Here's Exactly What You're Going To Get With the Career Transition Program that is Being Offered for this
Jumpstart Your Job Search Group Coaching Program

Join the Jumpstart Your Job Search Group Coaching Program
At the end of this program, you will…
Uncover or discover your natural talents, aptitudes, and gifts with a variety of assessments designed to help highlight the things you love to do, are naturally good at, and may want to use in your next job or career.
Gain focus and clarity around what you need to do next and how to set goals that will get you started on the career transition you want for yourself.
Understand how to write a resume that will give you an advantage over other candidates and will make you a “stand-out” from the mountains of resumes that are received every day
Learn how to write a cover letter that will be read, not trashed without a second glance.
Discover how the Applicant Tracking System works and why it is NOT your friend when you are uploading your resume into electronic systems. Learn the “work-around” so that the ATS doesn’t sink your chances at getting the job you want before you even get started.
Optimize your LinkedIn profile in such a way that it attracts recruiters who are looking for talented people like you with your background, level of education, and work experience.
Understand the importance of auditing your social media platforms other than LinkedIn
Create (or re-create) your personal and professional brand so that you make the most of the talents, skills, and abilities that you have.
Learn how to interview with skill, ease, and poise. Practice with an expert!
Here is what you GET:
Lifetime access to the “Jumpstart Your Job Search” online program for self-paced instruction on the various distinct components of a successful job search.
- Just-in-time email access that provides feedback on resumes, job search advice, LinkedIn questions, other issues that come up during any job search for 6 months.
- Bi-monthly group coaching calls for support and training. (All calls held on Zoom. All calls are recorded.)
- Kitty’s years of experience helping hundreds of teachers and mid-career professionals develop strategies leading to successful employment in the field of their choice.
- Kitty as your strategic thinking partner and cheerleader—to make sure that you are fully on track to meet or exceed your job search goals.
- Kitty’s expertise in reviewing and critiquing resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles.
- Unlimted video reviews of all your resumes, your LinkedIn profile, and all your cover letters as you write and submit them for review
- Kitty’s vast knowledge resources that are available to job seekers.
- Kitty’s training as a career transition and job search coach with one of the top international career coaching companies in the world.
This step-by-step Program is usually priced at $1297 even though it is a $5500+ value.
This program is ideal for the individual seeking help figuring out what to do next when teaching is no longer an option.
It includes all 10 modules that are part of Kitty’s signature “Jumpstart Your Job Search” Program and includes 12 bi-monthly group coaching calls over the course of 6 months.
Act Now, and You Also Get These Valuable Bonuses to Help You Accelerate Your Success
Two downloadable eBooks, 10 Things You Need to Know if You Think You Are Ready for a Job or Career Change, and 3 Secrets of EVERY Successful Job Search or Career Change. (A $47 Value)
“Courage, Risks, and Rewards,” a Do-it-Yourself, 5-Part Home Study Program. This program helps you learn what holds you back from being as successful as you would like to be. What is your level of risk aversion? Can you weigh the cost of risk vs. reward as it pertains to making important changes in your life? This program has helped hundreds of students learn more about themselves and how to make leaps of faith and step into bigger, better, and more courage-filled lives. (A $97 value)
3 personal consultations, a $375 value. I will help you with whatever challenge you may be facing. Need extra help with your resume? Want an intensive review of your LinkedIn profile? Need to get ready for an interview? These are just a few examples of the ways clients have used their private, confidential, one-on-one consultations in addition to their 8 group coaching calls.
Worried about making an investment and then regretting it? No worries. I am offering a 100% Risk-FREE Guarantee!

If this career transition program doesn’t offer the value you think it should after you have worked your way through at least half of the program and completed all of the assigned tasks and attended all of the calls to date, you may ask for a full refund of your investment. That is how sure I am that this program will help you get unstuck and on your way to a new job or career for 2018.
Special Pricing When You Buy Now
The total value of what you're getting today is far more than the price of the program. This is especially true when you take into consideration the incredible bonuses that are being included.
All told, the VALUE of this offering is almost $5500!
But you are NOT going to pay anywhere near $5500!
In fact, you are only going to pay the regular price of $1297!
Find (or Create) Your Dream Job
and Take Advantage of
Special Pricing with…
A Summer Sizzling Sale - Jumpstart Your Job Search Bootcamp
Using my Signature
“Jumpstart Your Job Search” Program
This special price is good through tonight at midnight!
You may also use an easy monthly payment plan -
$177 each month for 4 months billed every 30 days.
The Best Part is You'll Start Seeing Results Right Away!
This is for you if you are ready to make a change and you are tired of putting it off and tired of feeling stuck and unsure what to do next in your career.
You need to know that...
- I am offering this program at the best time for you to make the change you want for next year!
- You can use the strategies you learn throughout the year starting right away!
And let’s face it…there is no time like now to get started if you think you want to change your job or career next year.
Get Started Right Now
So go ahead, click the order button below right now and you will be well on your way to your next career.

This breakthrough program will help you start on the career path you want. If you want this to be your last year of teaching, now is the time to start making the change you want.
Sign up now!

AT the end of this program you will…
Uncover or discover your natural talents, aptitudes, and gifts with a variety of assessments designed to help highlight the things you love to do, are naturally good at, and may want to use in your next job or career.
Gain focus and clarity around what you need to do next and how to set goals that will get you started on the career transition you want for yourself.
Understand how to write a resume that will give you an advantage over other candidates and will make you a “stand-out” from the mountains of resumes that are received every day
Learn how to write a cover letter that will be read, not trashed without a second glance.
Discover how the Applicant Tracking System works and why it is NOT your friend when you are uploading your resume into electronic systems. Learn the “work-around” so that the ATS doesn’t sink your chances at getting the job you want before you even get started.
Optimize your LinkedIn profile in such a way that it attracts recruiters who are looking for talented people like you with your background, level of education, and work experience.
Understand the importance of auditing your social media platforms other than LinkedIn
Create (or re-create) your personal and professional brand so that you make the most of the talents, skills, and abilities that you have.
Learn how to interview with skill, ease, and poise. Practice with an expert.

Here is what you GET:
Lifetime access to the “Jumpstart Your Job Search” online program for self-paced instruction on the various distinct components of a successful job search.
Lifetime access to the “Jumpstart Your Job Search” online program for self-paced instruction on the various distinct components of a successful job search.
- Just-in-time email access that provides feedback on resumes, job search advice, LinkedIn questions, other issues that come up during any job search for 6 months.
- Bi-monthly group coaching calls for support and training. All calls held on Zoom. All calls are recorded
- Kitty’s years of experience helping hundreds of teachers and mid-career professionals develop strategies leading to successful employment in the field of their choice.
- Kitty as your strategic thinking partner and cheerleader—to make sure that you are fully on track to meet or exceed your job search goals.
- Kitty’s expertise in reviewing and critiquing resumes, cover letters, and LinkedIn profiles.
- Unlimted video reviews of all your resumes, your LinkedIn profile, and all your cover letters as you write and submit them for review
- Kitty’s vast knowledge resources that are available to job seekers.
- Kitty’s training as a career transition and job search coach with one of the top international career coaching companies in the world.
FREE downloadable eBooks, 10 Things You Need to Know if You Think You Are Ready for a Job or Career Change, and 3 Secrets of EVERY Successful Job Search or Career Change. (A $47 Value)
“Courage, Risks, and Rewards,” a Do-it-Yourself, 5-Part Home Study Program. This program helps you learn what holds you back from success. What is your level of risk aversion? Can you weigh the cost of risks vs. reward as it pertains to making changes in your life? This program has helped hundreds of students learn more about themselves. (a $97 value)
3 personal consultations, a $375 value. I will help you with whatever challenge you may be facing. Need extra help with your resume? Want an intensive review of your LinkedIn profile? Need to get ready for an interview? These are just a few examples of the ways clients have used their private, confidential, one-on-one consultations in addition to their 8 group coaching calls.
This course is an excellent way for you to start planning your New Year Goals and set out a course of action. Don't leave your goals on paper. Make them a reality with the strategies offered in this program.
Your Price Today: When you buy today: $697 or
4 equal payments of $177 each every 30 days.
Join the Jumpstart Your Job Search Group Coaching Program
