5 Reasons You Need to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach | Your Career "Makeover" Coach
For today's video click here.
Everyone needs a LinkedIn profile. It has become a "must" on the list of "must have's" for professionals in all walks of life. I do not believe it is any longer optional, which is why I have become so adamant in my assertion that regardless of what you do, you need a fully optimized, completed LinkedIn profile.
Here are 5 reasons I believe every individual needs a fully optimized LinkedIn profile:
It establishes your online brand. Branding has become another concept that you can't afford to ignore. Your personal brand is how your show up in person at an event whether it is a party or a business networking event. Your online brand is the result of how your show up on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. Your LinkedIn profile, however, is the one for which recruiters will be scanning, and if they have a job opening that looks like a good fit for you, wouldn't you want them to be sufficiently impressed with you to want to pick up the phone and give you a call? Most people would.
Recruiters can find you. This one obviously ties in with #1. You may or may not be actively looking for a job. If you are actively looking, you can use LinkedIn and its job search feature to find great opportunities for which to apply. Recruiters are also increasingly using LinkedIn, however. They are looking to find candidates for the jobs they have been hired to help companies fill. I have two friends who have gotten new jobs in recent months because they were recruited through LinkedIn, and my clients who work on their LinkedIn profiles routinely tell me that the number of calls they receive spikes dramatically after they have completed their overhaul of their LinkedIn profile. If you are letting your LinkedIn profile languish, you are never going to know how many different opportunities you may have missed.
You can build a strong professional network. Networking is the key to success in life and business. If you are in sales, I don't have to tell you that the importance of having a strong network is key to your ability to sustain your business. Networking is also important in other professional arenas, however. When you attend conferences and conventions, it is important for you to meet people and build connections. Are you looking for a promotion that is unlikely where you are currently employed? Meet people from other geographical areas that might, in fact, lead to a promotion. You don't have to go to a lot of expensive conferences, however, to build your professional network because you can do a lot in that direction by using the power of LinkedIn.
You can stay current in your industry. LinkedIn provides information on industry trends and developments. Stay current by joining groups that are pertinent to your industry or profession, and join in the conversation by offering the occasional (or regular) post so that you can promote yourself as an expert on some aspect of your business.
You can establish credibility with endorsements and recommendations. LinkedIn provides users an opportunity to offer endorsements and recommendations for one another which is a great way to establish yourself with credibility. Instead of you saying you are a great listener with fabulous organizational skills, have someone with whom you have worked to say that about you and offer a recommendation. Select a list of 12-20 skills that you would like to be known for and let others who have worked with you and knew you verify those skills with endorsements. It is a great way to demonstrate that you can do what your resume says you can do. It is great validation for you, and you should take advantage of it.
Are you convinced?
Whether you are convinced or not, I would like to invite you to a free live webinar that I will be offering Thursday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m. EDT. The registration link is here: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/4cf0bbf9a9.
I would also like to offer you the opportunity to purchase the "LinkedIn Profile Highlights Checklist" about which I have been talking. I have reduced the price to $7 for a limited time. To take advantage of the special offer, click here.

You may also take advantage of the upgrade at a special price. Receive a video review of your LinkedIn profile for only $27. The video review is normally priced at $45.
To take advantage of that t special deal which is also only for a limited time, click here.
I simply can't stress enough how important I believe it is that everyone--including you--optimize your LinkedIn profile. I hope you will join me for the webinar Thursday night, or download the checklist so you can start optimizing your profile right away.
Until next time.
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