A "Happy Belated Mother's Day" Message
Kitty J. Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Life Strategies & Stress Management Coach
For today's video message, click here. The message for today is basically unchanged from the last couple of weeks. It is important to remember the importance of putting "first things first" and sometimes just having to "go with the flow."
My mom is still in the hospital as I write this message on Friday, May 8, 2015. She is doing better, but it is slow going. She was really sick, and she has a long road ahead before she is "back to normal."
Having said that, I am confident that if she has anything to do with it, she WILL return to normal. She just wants to get well and GO HOME.
As I go into the weekend, Mother's Day is coming up, and I appreciate my mom more than ever. By the time you read this message, Mother's Day will be behind you, so if you are a Mom, Happy Belated Mother's Day. I hope your family honored you appropriately. (For you Dad's, your day is coming.)
We have all had mothers. They have been instrumental in forming us into the individuals we have become. If you are a mother yourself, you have been in the position of forming your own children. What a responsibility and what an honor!
So, Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of the mothers who may be reading this message. For you guys, don't forget to thank your mom whenever you can.
Until next week.
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If you or a friend or family member is looking for a job because they are out of work, between jobs, or underemployed, contact me for information about the “disruptive job search” methodology that is taught at CareerHMO, the “cure for chronic career pain.” I am now working as a career coach with CareerHMO and am looking for people who could benefit from the program and the fantastic resources that are available through CareerHMO and its sister site, Careerealism.