Announcing My Retirement (for Real) in 2023
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coaching

I certainly hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving last week.
It's hard to believe we are headed into another holiday season, but here we are.
If you listen to my podcast, you have already heard my announcement that I have decided I will be retiring--for real--in 2023.
This is something I have been thinking about for a while.
I have hesitated because I don't want to leave anyone in the lurch, and I don't plan to. I plan to start a new coaching cohort in January of 2023, but it will be the last cohort I start.
If you have been on the fence about working with me on your career transition, you don't have much more time to stay there.
You will need to make an appointment for a Discovery Session sooner rather than later. And you will need to get your plans for your career transition underway.
My commitment to anyone who signs up to work with me between now and the first of the new year is that I will stay with you, and then I will stop taking on new clients in 2023.
So, if you are already a client, relax. I am still here, committed to your career transition.
I won't leave anyone in the lurch. I will not quit until everyone I am working with feels complete with the program and their career transition.
But if you thought you would like to work with me sometime in the future, NOW is the time. Let's get started.
Sign up for a complimentary Discovery Session at
If you have already had a Discovery Session, you may need to go ahead and sign up for a program.
As of January 1, 2023, once I have completed recruiting members of the January coaching cohort, the opportunities to sign up will simply go away.
I will stop conducting Discovery Sessions and won't be offering the "Jumpstart Your Job Search Program" once the January cohort gets started.

If you have questions, please email me by replying to this message.
Until next time.