Make Over

It's Time for a Makeover!

Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP

Career Makeover Coach

(Life Strategies, Stress Management, Holistic Life Coach, too)


Notice anything different in the tagline above? Do you see where I have made myself the "Career Makeover Coach?"

As of a week ago, I changed my main domain name from "" to "" Officially my new website is

I will still be coaching teachers who are burnt out and ready for a change, but I realized that my practice also includes mid-career professionals from other walks of life who are similarly ready to make a change in their job or in their career.

I not only help with career transition and job search strategy, but I actually strive to help my clients achieve a career makeover.

I have done a lot of learning and changing and evolving myself since I undertook the business of coaching three years ago. 

I have learned a lot about career transition and job search strategy, and I want to share what I have learned.

I am working on a new course that I will be unveiling in the upcoming weeks, so stay tuned for that big announcement. I am working on it getting it refined and fine tuned.

So, do you know someone who could use a career makeover? Could YOU use a career makeover? If so, call me.

Stay tuned, too for other big news that will be coming your way in the future.

Until next time.


Have you downloaded the FREE e-report, "10 Things to Consider If You Are Ready to Change Your Job or Career?"

If you or a friend could use the guide, please feel free to download it and share as you see fit.



For questions, just reply to this newsletter or call me at 804-404-5475.


It's Time for a New Job

Photo by Shutterstock


Vanessa Jackson
Phoenix Rising Coaching
1541 Flaming Oak
New Braunfels Texas 78132
United States of America