Are You Ready for Some Summer Fun?
(Or...Press Pause for Play in Your Regular Routine)
Kitty J. Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT
Life Strategies & Stress Management Coach
It is the middle of June already, and summer feels like it is just flying by, doesn't it? If you have children, they are getting out of school for the summer, and the summer vacation season has officially begun. Before we know it, however, the "Back to School" signs will be up, so I encourage you to get your summer fun into high gear sooner rather than later.
My video message today is about the importance of taking time this summer to regroup, refresh yourself, and reacquaint yourself, if necessary, with your family and friends. For video that message, click here.
Summer is the traditional time for taking family vacations, probably because that is when the kids are out of school and it is easier to get the whole family together. When I was a kid, we took family vacations every summer. We all piled into the car and took off for a whole week. Most of the time we went to the mountains because that was my father's favorite retreat. Occasionally, we went to visit family. Regardless, we had the week to be together as a family, and those memories are special ones that I will treasure forever.
It is important that you take time off from your regular routine. Your brain actually benefits from a change, and your work productivity goes up after you have taken a break from it.
So, give yourself permission to take a real vacation. Go somewhere new. Leave work totally behind you. The world will survive. You owe it to yourself and your family to spend time with them, so if you haven't already planned it, do it now.
Until next time.
Have you downloaded your free book, Stressed, Stretched, and Just Plain Overwhelmed yet? This book explains the negative health implications of not understanding and dealing with the stress in your life. It offers practical, affordable, common sense strategies for taking better care of yourself and it offers advice on creating work-life balance which eludes most of us too much of the time.
To access your FREE copy of the book, just click on the graphic below for the download. Please feel free to share as you see fit. As I said, I just want the information to get to the people who need it.

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