As We Continue Our Social Isolation, I Have a Gift for You
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Stress Management Coaching
As we begin yet another week of social isolation in our effort to keep ourselves and our loved ones healthy, I thought I might offer you a gift that you could use to help yourself through the days and weeks to come.
You see, I don't think we will come out of this situation any time soon. We can't just mark a date on the calendar and declare, "This is the day it will be safe to go out and be with people again."
I mean, we could do that, but the virus isn't going to care. And if we venture out and start mingling too soon, we run the risk of undoing all the good we have done so far in flattening the curve and keeping people who might have gotten sick otherwise well.
So, because I think we have to think in terms of a "marathon" instead of a "sprint," I would like t offer a new eBook on the power of positive affirmations.
Now the exact title of the eBook is The Power of Affirmations for Success & Happiness and it includes 365 days of affirmations to transformation.
It is my gift to you, and I would challenge you to start reading one affirmation a day for the duration of this pandemic or for the next 365 days, whichever comes first. And then feel free to start all over.
I have believed in the power of positive affirmations for years.
I use them daily, and I have my favorite go-to's for when I am feeling anxious or stressed or worried about something.

We all have a choice in how we meet the challenges of these days. We can whine and gripe and complain about them which won't help you or anyone around you.
Or you can choose to make the best of them. You can think of them as days meant to help you grow personally as you consider the really important things in your life.
I don't know about you, but I have started to reframe what I consider "essential" and what is just "nice to have."
And I have treasured my health every day that I awake feeling good and strong and ready to take on the challenge of a new day.
Research supports that those who practice positive thinking live happier, more successful lives than those who complain all the time.
You can probably see it in your own family. We all have at least one family member who is a glass-half-empty person.
They aren't much fun to be around, frankly.
So, consider. Are YOU that person in your family?
Or are you trying to help yourself and others in your family make the most of the situation you are all in?

Whether you believe in the power of affirmations or not, I invite you to take a look at this gift and consider whether it has something to offer you that might help you feel better about the situation you are in.
And if it does, great. If it doesn't, well, I am sorry, but maybe you could pass it along to someone who would appreciate it. Feel free to share it.
To download it, just click here: Document: the-power-of-positive-affirmations-for-success-and-happiness-pdf.pdf.
You don't even need to provide an email. It is strictly my gift to you while we continue our social distancing exercise to keep one another safe.
Until next time. Be safe. Stay well. And remember to be kind. We are all in this together.
I don't know if we have talked in person before or not, but I would love to hear how you are faring during these days while you are stuck at home.
Are you able to work from home?
Do you think your job will be waiting for you when all this is over?
Do you even want to back to your old job when things get back to "normal?"
I am offering 30-minute complimentary sessions right now. To learn more about what you might get out of a call, click here: https://kittyboitnott.lpages.co/book-a-session-here/.

It won't cost anything but 30-minutes of your time.
Sign up from this link: https://kittyboitnott.lpages.co/book-a-session-here/