Pope Francis Reminded Us that We are All Children of God Living Together on One Planet: Earth
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT
Certified Life Strategies, Holistic Wellness and Stress Management Coach

The video message for today is available at this link.
I don't know if you watched much of the Pope's visit last week while he was in the United States. I watched a news channel that covered just about every minute, and certainly all of the big events were covered and commented upon throughout.
I am not Catholic, but personally, I was enthralled with him and his message all week.
I love his message of humility, simplicity, authenticity, kindness and tenderness toward all mankind.
I particularly liked what I decided was my take-away from his general theme. We are all connected by virtue of the fact that each of us is a child of God.
Regardless of race, ethnicity, religious affiliation, creed, color, gender or physical beauty (or lack thereof)...we are all children of God.
Therefore, we are brothers and sisters, and even more significantly, we share this beautiful planet, Earth, and whether you believe in the science of climate change or not, you cannot deny that we are polluting our water and our air and our land on a regular basis.
We act as if the resources to us are inexhaustible...and yet we know they are not.
The Pope's message was quite clear. Love one another. Love the planet. Take care of the planet, and take care of one another. We ARE our brother's keeper, in the most fundamental ways.
I don't know about you, but that message was like a drink of fresh water and a breath of fresh air after the rancor and hatefulness that has begin to pollute the airways during this PRE-election cycle. I shutter when I consider that we haven't even gotten into the REAL political season. As the election draws closer, our airways will be filled with negative ad after negative ad because research shows that negativity is effective.
I am going to try to remember the Pope's message from this week. He is a living example of someone who had decided that he is living by the Gospel. He is an example of one who is also human and in need of prayer. (I heard countless times that he asked person after person to "Pray for me.")
We could learn so much from his message and from his example. If you didn't catch much of his visit, I urge you to take a look at some of the archived coverage. He was quite remarkable at every juncture. What a marvelous example we sets for us all.
Again for my video message about how his visit impacted me, click here.
Until next time, peace, hope, and love to you.
Photo by Shutterstock
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