Is It Time for a Gut Check?
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
I wrote a post for my blog, TeachersinDistress, this morning and it is entitled, "Gut Check: AttentionTeachers — Are You Excited about Going Back to School?"
As I wrote that, it occurred to me to me that teachers aren't the only ones who would benefit from a gut check about how they feel regarding work.
Everyone has the potential to benefit from taking stock and inventory every once in a while.
How happy are you with your current job?
Do you see yourself in this same position for another 5 to 10 years?
Is the job stable enough that it will even exist in 5 to 10 years?
The Master Class I have been offering on the 3 secrets of every successful job search or career change offers some interesting information that came from a study conducted by the Intuit Software Company in 2015. The implications of them seem clear to me.
For example, did you realize...
- By 2020, more than 40% of the American workforce, or 60 million people will be freelancers, contractors, and temp workers.
- The report also says that in the next 7 years, the number of small & personal businesses in the U.S. alone will increase by more than 7 million, and full time, full benefit jobs will be harder to find.
- Most of these businesses will be web or mobile-based and will work closely with a global workforce.
- More people will be working remotely from home or a space of their choosing.
- In 2020, one in six Americans will be older than 65. But they won't be "traditional" seniors as they will continue to work part or full-time.
The economy is changing.
And if we want to keep up with it, we have to be willing to change with it.
In case you haven't listened in to the Master class yet (in spite of my repeated invitations to do so) I have two more presentations going on today. One at 11:00 am this morning and the last one at 7:00 pm in the evening.
If you are interested, you may sign up here: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/d102c579fa.
If you are ready for that "gut check" to see how you really feel about your current job, take a look at a new giveaway I came up with. It is entitled, "What is Your Dream Job?"
Click here to download it instantly: https://kittyboitnott.lpages.co/what-is-your-dream-job/
Don't forget that if you would like to talk through your options whether you are a teacher or in some other line of work, I am here to help you. Sign up for a complimentary Discovery Session here: https://kittyatcareermakeover.coachesconsole.com/calendar/.
I would love to help you figure out what your dream job is and where you will be in the next 5 to 10 years.
Until next time.
I sincerely hope you will decide to listen in on the Master Class I am offering today at 11 and at 7.

The presentation is new, so if you have sat in on previous webinars, you won't be seeing the same thing you have seen before.
And the offer I am making is going to be the last time my current Premium program is being sold for under $1000.
The price is going up July 13th.
Just so you know.