Habits of Emotionally Resilient People
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Life Strategies Coaching.

As long as we're interacting with people and living our lives each day, we'll naturally be subject to many mishaps, mistakes, and problems that are bound to make us feel stressed and lose our sense of control.
Even the most mindful people have days when they don't feel their best which causes them to overreact. It is all a part of being human and our emotional nature. As emotional beings, we're programmed to feel something. But there are also many times when situations get the best of us, and instead of empowering us, they make us feel limited and powerless. When this happens, and we feel emotionally trapped at the moment, we're bound to make decisions that could be unhelpful to the situation.
Being resilient becomes all the more critical during these times. It is during emotionally-charged moments that our character often gets tested. But, while it's not only about nature, our emotional strength and maturity to handle these situations are also at play.
One thing is for sure; emotional resilience is key to success. It helps us make sense of situations and enables us to make the best decisions without being limited or feeling trapped. Overall, it is essential to maintain a sense of balance in life. In addition, being emotionally resilient empowers us and helps preserve a sense of hopefulness and positivity no matter the situation.
Emotionally resilient people have these similar habits in common.
They Hit the Pause Button Instead of Acting Impulsively

The value of the "pause" becomes even more pronounced amidst stress and adversity. The character often shines through during high-pressure and emotionally charged moments. During these moments of suffering, emotionally resilient people turn to the pause, not out of fear but wisdom - knowing that making a hasty decision influenced by what they're currently feeling and experiencing right now could turn the scenario for the worst. This capacity for impulse control empowers them to make better decisions when they're in a better place and state of mind.
They Can Work Through Discomfort
The patience and the wisdom to willingly work through emotional discomfort is not for the faint of heart. And yet, this is one of the classic traits of emotionally resilient people. It's an inner strength that is admirable and worthy of being modeled after.
Not everyone can sit through a storm peacefully and with wisdom without potentially turning to a bottle of alcohol or another form of unhealthy vice. A lot of people wreck themselves momentarily in trying to cope. But the strength and resilience of these people empower them to gain a sense of perspective on the problematic situation.
They Practice Self-Care

Emotionally resilient people momentarily cope with difficulty by turning to self-care. This is a positive and proactive form of coping, rather than drowning one's sorrows and suffering in an unhealthy vice or habit. They strengthen themselves by giving themselves the tender, loving self-care their inner self needs at the moment. It is a beautiful opportunity to come out of a challenging situation more enlightened and refreshed.
Sometimes, the most productive solutions come out of these instances. A person that is physically healthy and in a better frame of mind has more edge over a difficult situation. Whether it's enough sleep, exercise, going outdoors, or enjoying playtime with a pet, emotionally resilient people master self-care, making it their weapon of choice amidst challenging times.
They Know How to Turn to Humor

Apart from self-care, emotionally resilient people deal with life and the realities of it with a bit of humor. The ability to laugh may be a form of survival. Some people manage to reframe their mindset from a situation at hand by telling jokes and getting their giggles on. Humor goes a long way and can be a great form of distraction in the meantime. Sharing with people around you can also help with bonding and foster better relationships.
They Accept the Present

Acceptance doesn't mean complacency, contrary to what some people might think. Instead, it is a kind of flexibility to allow the wind to temporarily take a person's sails where they may not have originally planned to go or be. While it's good to plan and prepare for life at all times, nothing is ever certain.
We all need to deal with changes and situations beyond our control at some point with a sense of calm and composure. Emotionally resilient people allow temporary positions and sufferings to pass without letting them break them. While they allow themselves to feel emotions, they don't let the circumstances get the best of them.