Happy 2017
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach
For this week's video message, click here.
I know you have already heard "Happy New Year" enough times, but we are only three days in, so I thought I would say it one more time. I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and I hope you are looking for 2017 to be your best year ever.
Desmond Tutu said, "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."
We need hope to stay alive. A person who has given up hope has already died, even if they are physically present.
Maintaining hope in the face of uncertainty or hardship is tough sometimes.
When I speak with someone who is feeling depressed or anxious, I can relate because many years ago, I went through my own particular "dark night of the soul." I didn't realize it at first, of course. When you are in the middle of depression, you don't recognize it for what it is. You just FEEL it. It is a heaviness that you sometimes feel you just can't bear. I remember only too well pretending that everything was "fine" at work and with family and friends. I was so exhausted from keeping up the pretense, however, that I would flop into bed as soon as I got home to recover from the exertion of just going through the motions of being "fine."
Most of us have experienced some sadness or loss or disappointment that makes us resentful of those "happy people" who are so giggly and bubbly and full of hope. Unless you suffer from a chemical imbalance, however, you recover...eventually. My recovery started when I saw an ad in the paper for a 6-week seminar offered by a local psychologist. The topic was, "How to Happy Again." Bingo. I signed up, and much to my amazement, there were lots of people who attended the course who were experiencing all sorts of pain and hardship.
What is the point of all this talk about hope? To remind us that sometimes we have dark periods to go through and experience. It is part of life. The essence of life, however, is grounded in the feeling of hope which eventually springs back up. This time of year, right after the holidays and starting into a new year, we can HOPE that the New Year will bring us the things we long for.
And we can make sure it does...or at least it hits close...if we have set some goals for the New Year. I am not talking about resolutions. Resolutions don't work. But setting goals does.
As you set off on your journey in 2017, what goals have you set for yourself? One of mine is to read at least 25 books. I have books on my bookshelf that I have bought (because I love books and learning) that I keep meaning to get to but haven't yet. This year, I am going to tackle each one, and I have made a commitment to myself not to buy another new book until I have read the ones I have.
What goals did you set? Did you write them down? Do you have them posted around the house where you will see them, so you don't forget? I have.
Make this your best year ever! You are the only one who can. You are in charge of your life, and if you don't think so, think again.
So, here is the last time I say, "Happy New Year!" But I sincerely mean it when I say that I hope it is your best year yet!
Until next time.
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