Happy New Year!
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Life Strategies Coach
Happy New Year!
Today is the first day of a brand new year, and this message brings you all good wishes. Here's to making 2019 your best year ever!
What do you want for yourself in this new year? Is it to lose a few pounds? Is it to find a new relationship? Is it to start a new family?
Is it to find a job you can love again?
Or maybe it is to help yourself manage your stress more effectively so you can enjoy your life more!
We are all in different places in our lives, and so we naturally want different things, but the anticipation we usually feel around the beginning of each New Year is pretty much the same regardless of your age or circumstances.
It is all about HOPE that things will be different or better in some way.
For some, it is the hope that a new job will appear on the horizon without a lot of effort or sweat. And you aren't alone if you feel that way. Most people dread the idea of starting a job search, partly because they just don't know where or how to start!
But now is the time to start looking if you are serious about making a change.
I read just the other day that people are quitting their jobs in record numbers. That was true for 2018, and the forecast is that the trend will continue into 2019.
People are quitting for a multitude of reasons.
Some want--and certainly deserve--more pay after years of flat salaries. Others are looking for more work-life balance in their lives.
Many people are leaving jobs to start their own businesses, and entrepreneurs are cropping up everywhere.
I recently wrote a post entitled, "New Year, New Job: 10 Must-Have Tools, Tips, and Strategies for Anyone Looking for a New Job in 2019 (With an 11th Bonus Tip)."
I invite you to take a look at it if you are one of the millions of people who are thinking it is time to start looking for something new to do.
I am offering this presentation LIVE this morning at 11:00 AM EST.
Sign up for the introduction to job searching here: https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238447032/f6e33c0442.
Because some people would like to KEEP their job but be happier doing it, I am also offering a second live presentation today on "Teacher Stress and How to Manage it in the New Year!"
I will be offering this live presentation on the subject of teacher stress at 2:00 PM EST TODAY!
To sign up for the Stress Management Workshop, sign up here: https://events.genndi.com/register/169105139238447032/197a30996a.
Sign up for one or both presentations.
Can't attend a live presentation today because you have other plans? No worries. Each presentation will provide replays for up to 48 hours after the presentation.
Got questions? Let me know.
And Happy New Year!
Until next time.