New Year, New Goals
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Stress Management Coaching
Happy New Year!
I hope you had a great weekend and stayed safe from the Omicron variant, which is sweeping through community after community around the country. I stayed home and away from New Year festivities, but I do that every year. I am not a big fan of big crowds or big parties. I suspect that has a lot to do with I am an Introvert.
But this year, just like last year, it just felt safer to stay in.
I also thought a lot about the upcoming year. This will be a big birthday year for me--and no, I am not revealing my age, but you can figure it out if you listen to my story and know anything about my history.
It is also an anniversary year.

I left education in 2012, which means I will soon have been out of the classroom--or in my case, the school library--for a decade. Yet, it doesn't seem possible because it still feels like yesterday.
That's the thing about time. It tends to slip away from you. You always think you have an unlimited supply of it. But you don't.
You have probably heard me say that "Life is too short to stay in a job you no longer love."
I know that to be true.
My dad died in an accident in 1986. My brother died of a heart attack in May. They were both 63 years old.
In today's terms, they were still relatively young.
And my dad had big plans. He always talked about going to the Grand Canyon. He never went.
My brother loved to write music. He was a talented musician. He played the guitar, fiddle, banjo, and mandolin.
I am sure he thought he had years ahead of him to continue to write music.
We are all lulled into thinking that we have time to do all the things we want.
But the real deal is that if you don't take action, the time will suddenly be gone, and you will wonder where it went.

Many people in all kinds of professions did a lot of reflecting during the pandemic. A lot of them have quit their jobs to find something more meaningful to do with themselves.
Thousands of nurses and teachers have left their jobs because of burnout.
And who can blame them?
My point is that if you are thinking about changing your career--and I suspect you are or you wouldn't be on my email list--you can't sit around hoping that the Job Fairy will come knocking at your door. You have to be willing to take action.
It's possible, however, that you don't know what to do. You probably haven't searched for a job in years. And a lot has changed during that time. You may need help.
That's where I come in.
If you think you want to make a change in 2022, it's time to take action. Set up a complimentary Discovery Session with me. Let's talk and see if I can help.
My calendar link is https://teachersintransition.com/calendar.
Until next time.