Here are Two Early Valentine's Day Gifts for You: Take One or Both
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Certified Stress Management Coach
Thursday is a day for celebrating the traditional Valentine's Day. It is a big day for couples who want to show their love for one another for the first time or who want to repeat their commitment to one another after years of being a couple. It's also a big day for the folks who sell flowers, cards, and candy. I mean, it is a BIG day for those folks.
When I was single in my thirties, I wasn't much of a fan, I will admit. I remember inviting a couple of female friends to dinner thinking we would embrace our singledom on this holiday for couples.
One friend canceled at the last minute in order to go on a date with a new gentleman in her life. The other came but shared with me over dessert that she was dating someone, too. She just hadn't made plans with him for Valentine's Day...yet.
Both friends wound up marrying the gentlemen in their lives. And I went on to marry someone, too, eventually. But that particular Valentine's Day stands out for me even though it was many, many years ago. I was single while everyone seemed to be part of a couple.

Let's face it. It's not a great day for the unattached, even if you choose to be unattached. The emphasis for this day is on love, romance, sex, coupling, and buying lots of flowers, candy, and cards to show our significant others how much they mean to us.
Whether you are single or coupled, I wish the best for you.
And in the spirit of the holiday, I have a couple of gifts to offer you.
I happen to know that I have two types of readers/followers. One is interested in stress management and pursuing habits that will bring them better health.
The other one is interested in finding work they can love again. Many of those folks are also stressed out, but they have identified the source of their stress as their job, so they want to change the source of the stress in hopes that then the stress will manage itself.
Some of you may be interested in both of these topics and see no distinction. After all, if you hate your job, your stress level is way too high.
And if you are experiencing an undue amount of stress from things going on at home, the fact of the matter is that your work may suffer as a result of that.
Certainly, back when I was going through a lot of turmoil at home leading up to my divorce, I suspect I didn't bring my best self to my job. It is hard to concentrate on work when your home life is falling apart.
At the end of the day, work and stress and stress and work are all interrelated.

And because of that, I have provided two gifts for you to download today, totally free of charge.
Download one of them or both of them. Feel free to use them any way you see fit.
The first gift is a guide to help you think through the "Get Hired Fast: 3 Secrets of Every Successful Job Search or Career Change Revealed. "
The second gift is a color infographic illustrating "7 Ways to Lessen Your Stress."
They are yours. You don't need to provide an email. No opt-in is required.
I wanted to provide you with two tools that you may find useful as you consider your life in totality.
Your health is the most important asset you have. Second to that, and related to that is the work you do. So, I hope that you will find both tools useful, but even if you only find one of them helpful, I will be happy.
And that's it! I hope you enjoy your Valentine's Day whether you are single, coupled, or in between relationships. Please know that I appreciate you more than you could know, and I hope you find these Valentine's Day gifts useful.
Here are your gifts. Just click to download. Enjoy.
Get Hired Fast: 3 Secrets of Every Successful Job Search or Career Change Revealed "
"7 Ways to Lessen Your Stress"
Happy Valentine's Day Thursday.

Until next time.
P. S.
One more thing. As you probably know, I have been offering a series of free, live webinar workshops on my premium program, "Jumpstart Your Job Search Group Coaching Program."
I have already offered 3 of the 4 presentations. I have one more coming up tomorrow (Wednesday, February 13 at 4:00 PM EST).
I am offering a $100 off as a Valentine's Day special on my "Jumpstart Your Job Search Program" through Thursday night at midnight.
Now is a good time to sign up because a new group coaching cohort will be organizing and getting started in March.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Until next time.