Has Your LinkedIn User Interface Changed?
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach
Have you checked your LinkedIn profile recently to see that it has changed? I knew it was coming, and it finally happened for me last week. The basics haven't changed, but the look and feel of the profile page have definitely changed so that it may be a disconcerting to you at first.
Don't let it throw you. What I recommend is that you take some time to go through it element by element to become familiar with how it has changed. For example, the toolbar across the top of the page has changed, so you will have to learn to reorient yourself. Also, instead of having your headshot offset and squared to the left, it is now slightly smaller and in a circle in the center. Your headline is also centered under your name, and only the first two lines of your summary section show up unless the viewer clicks on "See more" to read the full Summary. This is an important change. You want to make sure your first two lines are interesting enough to compel someone to want to "see more."
The 14 elements I speak to in my webinar are still there, but they are presented in a different order, and unfortunately, unlike the previous interface, this one does not allow you to move things up and down so you can rearrange them to your liking. (Bummer!)
I am told that this change was to streamline the format and make more like the mobile version. As far as I am concerned, however, it is simply a reminder that change is inevitable. Just as you get used to things being one way, they change, and you have to learn something new. It can be exciting or aggravating, depending upon your point of view.
It changed enough that I needed to re-record my webinar on "Linkedin for Beginners" webinar, so if you want to check that, do. Here is the link that will register you for the new version of the webinar recording: https://linkedinforbeginners.easywebinar.live/event-registration-7.
Change is usually good even if it isn't always welcome. That is what I will tell myself the next time I try to find something, and it isn't where I expected it to be.
Let me know if you need individualized help getting your LinkeIn profile up to speed. The cost of an hour-long phone or Zoom or in-person session is $95 for those in business for themselves and $75 for job seekers and teachers wanting to learn how to make the best of their profile.
Don't forget that LinkedIn is a great way to position yourself for contact from a recruiter who is looking for someone just like you...someone with you skills, experience, and educational background. They are looking for "passive talent" which means they are not necessarily scouting the many job seekers who are on LinkedIn. They are looking for talent.
In my opinion, you cannot afford to overlook the power and possibility that is inherent in your LinkedIn profile. It has made a huge difference in my business and my life as an entrepreneur. It has made a difference for my clients who were job hunting. You need to make sure it says what you want it to say about you and who you are professional.
So, what are you waiting for?
Until next time.
If you want to see the automated webinar on LinkedIn that has been updated to reflect the new User interface, use this link: https://linkedinforbeginners.easywebinar.live/event-registration-7.