Have Your Set Your Priorities?
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Your Self-Proclaimed Career Makeover Coach
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I continue to read Michael Hyatt & Daniel Harkavy's latest book, Living Forward: a Proven Plan to Stop Drifting and Get the Life You Want. It is slow going because I am particularly busy right now, celebrating 3 years in business (as of April 6th), creating content for my various outlets, running webinars and just generally staying busy.
Because of my "busyness" however, I am particularly fond of the message from Chapter 5 which is entitled, "Determine Your Priorities." The opening quote is also one that I like very much: "Decide what you want, decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities and go to work." ~ H.L. Hunt.
My recent focus on what I offer as an entrepreneur and Career Transition and Job Search Coach relies heavily on allowing others to determine for themselves what their priorities are. I have recently revamped my mission statement so that it now reads: "I help professionals find careers that are perfect for them because I believe work should be fun and fulfilling!"
In order to help individuals find that work that is "perfect for them," I must ask them to get real with themselves as to what that means for them. I can't possibly tell anyone what career choice is best for them, but I can help guide them in the right direction. That is what coaching is all about.
Each of us knows on some level what we were born to do. Somewhere along the line, however, most of us get derailed for at least some period of time. It is the lucky few who get to live out the life of their dreams without having to deal with some sort of detour along the way.
The fact of the matter is, however, that it is easier to stay on track and not get derailed if we have been clear from the beginning about what it is we want and then we have been equally clear in setting priorities.
Establish your own priorities by deciding what it is you want in your life. Is it more money? A more loving relationship? Is it better health or is it less stress and more harmony in your work situation?
The good news is that you get to decide! No one else gets to tell you what to do because you are the "decider."
You have to be willing to embrace that concept, however. Becoming the "decider" in your own life means you have to stop blaming other people or outside circumstances for your own unhappiness. It means you have to stop being a "victim." It means you take responsibility once and for all for every circumstance in your life.
The true difference between those who are successful in life and those who are not so much are that successful people decide to take responsibility for themselves and their circumstances. They stop playing the victim card. They respond to situations as the occur but they avoid reacting.
So, I ask you again...have you set your priorities in your life yet? If not, why not? What are you waiting for?
Until next time.
Photo by Shutterstock.
Have you downloaded your FREE guide on the 10 things every job seeker should consider if they are ready to change their job or career? If not, it isn't too late. It is still available. Just click on the photo below to be taken to the webpage where you can download the report and get it for free.
And stay tuned for information about a new webinar that is in the works for a couple of weeks from now.