My Favorite Time of Year
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach
I live in central Virginia. I have said many times that part of the reason I love living in Virginia is that we have four distinct seasons. As beautiful as California is, I think I might get bored with all the sameness...and the same goes for Florida. I love visiting both places, but I really like having the experience of spring, summer, winter, and fall.
And of the four seasons, fall is by far my favorite.
I love the vibrant color of the trees as they turn their many shades of yellow, orange, and red. I love the crispness of the air in the morning and the sharp blue sky. Everything feels a little cleaner...a little crisper.
I love October because it is not only the more colorful month, but it is the month of my birthday, and this year, my birthday is particularly special. I turn 65 this month. I will be starting my journey as a true "senior citizen." I will be using my Medicare card the next time I go to the doctor or the pharmacy. THAT will be a new experience.
I believe that age is very much a state of mind, and I am sad to admit that as a younger person, I didn't have a lot of regard for my elders. They seemed staid and out of touch, and I felt much hipper and more "with it."
Ah, the arrogance of youth.
Now that I am about to turn 65, I value the experiences I have accumulated, and as I look back on my life, I am happy to say that I have few real regrets. I see all of my life experiences as learning experiences. And while my birth certificate indicates my age, I am happy to report that I don't really feel what I think 65 signifies on paper.
I feel good. I am blessed with great health. I have a job I love. I am in charge of my own schedule. I work out. I try to eat well, but I am not a fanatic about it. I love good food, and I enjoy the occasional treat. My motto is, "Life is short. It should be enjoyed."
And that is what I try to do.
So, as we head into October, I hope this message finds you doing well. I hope you are enjoying whatever you are doing and wherever you are in your life.
And if you aren't, I invite you to take a look at what you might do about it to change things.
Consider where you want to be next year at this time. And if the truth is that you want or need to make a major change in your current circumstances, there is no time like right now to start.
Enjoy this season. As the next few months unfold ahead of us, we will be into the holiday season. And before you know it, 2017 will be behind us. How time flies!
If you have a favorite season and fall isn't it for you, the good news is that time marches on. It won't be long before you are into a new one.
Make the most of the time you have now. That is the other thing I know for sure. We have no guarantees. Enjoy today. Tomorrow isn't promised to any of us.
And whatever you do, try to remember to make someone smile today.
