On to the New Year!
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Now that another Christmas is part of the "Christmas Past," it is time to turn our attention to the New Year.
I shared in a previous communication that last week, I re-enrolled in a goal-setting program designed by author, speaker, and online mentor, Michael Hyatt. Over the years since I started my own business, I have grown to appreciate Michael and his work on many levels. He is sincere, for one thing, and he offers programs that are packed with value. He has grown in his following in a way that I would love to emulate, and I follow his advice often because I believe it is sound, and he is coming from a place of authenticity and integrity.
With the help of his program, "5 Days to Your Best Life Ever," (which is now closed) I set 7 very specific goals for myself for 2017. These are NOT resolutions. They are GOALS that have been identified in terms of WHY I want to achieve them and action steps that are included in the plans so I can actually achieve my goals. For example, I am committing to myself that I will be writing a new book in 2017. And before the book takes form, I have committed to writing an article or white paper by January 31, 2017.
I have set goals--both achievement goals and habit goals--in 7 distinct areas: physical, spiritual, vocational, intellectual, avocational, emotional, and financial.
So, what goals have you set for yourself? I am not talking about resolutions. I am talking in terms of specific and concrete goals you plan to achieve.
And what plans have you made that will likely help you to achieve those goals?
Here is what I know for sure from my own experience. It is good to have goals, but if you don't plan some action around them to make sure they get met, they aren't goals...they are dreams. They may be aspirations. They might even be wishes or hopes...but they are not goals.
Part of the reason someone came up with the idea of SMART goals is that they realized without some way to measure progress and success, goals weren't likely to be met. So, for those who may not remember what the acronym, SMART stands for, here is a reminder.
Goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable (or achievable), relevant, and timely or time bound in order to be true goals.
So, I ask you, what goals have you set for yourself for 2017, and what steps are you going to take to make them a reality? To help you figure it out, I am offering a free gift this week. Download a tool that will help you consider what did you want to accomplish in 2016 that you did accomplish, what did you want to accomplish in 2016 that you didn't accomplish, and what are your 2017 goals? To download the free tool, click here.
I would love to hear from you regarding what you want to achieve for yourself. Just respond to this email to let me know!
And between now and next week, Happy New Year!
Until next time.