Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Your Career Makeover Coach
For today's video message, click here.
We have all heard the saying, "When opportunity knocks, answer the door," right?
What if an opportunity isn't the right one for you, however? Or what if it is an opportunity that isn't right for you right NOW?
I have had this thought this week because I had an opportunity offered to me, and in the end, I rejected it. Well, not so much rejected as I released it.
When I first got wind of the possibility of this opportunity, I was actually a little excited. It might offer some additional income and the model would be more traditional...I would be working for someone else. I thought at first that it might relieve some of the pressure I feel at times as the result of being a solopreneur...someone running a business all by my lonesome.
As I learned more about what the opportunity would entail, however, I found myself not as eager to take it as I might have thought. In fact, as I learned that it would be a position that would be fairly rigid, I decided it wasn't a good fit for me.
Cheryl Richardson, Life Coach and expert on the topic of self-care has published affirmation cards, and one of them says this about opportunity: "Release your ties to the past. When you let go of the old, you make room for the new."
As I thanked the individual who offered me the opportunity, I realized that in the past three years, I have become convinced that I have something to offer, and I want to do it on my own terms.
So, when opportunity knocks, sometimes it is okay to answer with a polite, "No thank you."
You have to go with your heart. You have to believe in yourself. I realized this week that I do believe in myself. That is also what I want for you.

Until next time.
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