Please Consider Helping Out
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach
I know you have been watching the news this weekend unless you live in Texas in affected areas of the hurricane and flooding.
As I watch, I am reminded of so many basic lessons.
I have seen countless examples of kindness and bravery. Neighbors looking out for neighbors.
The hardship is really just beginning, however. People have had to leave their homes with nothing but the clothes on their back.
Some have lost their homes to Hurricane Harvey, and they won't be able to start rebuilding until the rain stops.
I don't have to tell you what is happening. It's all over the news. I just wanted to offer that if you haven't already, please consider making a donation to the Red Cross the Salvation Army or the charity of your choice.
I don't know if you have ever been through a flood or not. I experienced a 100-year flood back in the mid-80's. The level of devastation was minor compared to what is happening in Texas.
So, that's it. Do what you can. As someone said on TV yesterday, if everyone gave just a little bit, it would quickly add up to a lot of help.
And the help will need to be ongoing. This crisis will not pass over quickly. In fact, the rebuilding will take months if not years.
Mother Nature is whimsical. She reminds us that stuff can be replaced but loved ones cannot.
I am also reminded that when we need to pull together as a nation for our fellow man (and woman) who is suffering, we have a remarkable capacity to do that. Kindness and courage have been on full display this weekend as opposed to two weekends ago in Charlottesville. What a contrast.
I am asking you to do what you can to help.
Until next time.