Please Join Me for a Master Class on Stress Management - Enjoy Your Holidays More
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
For today's video message, click here.
Well, the election is behind us, and whether you are elated or devastated, it is probably fair to say you feel one way or the other. I don't think anyone is indifferent to this year's election.
Let's face it, this election has resulted in a seismic shift in our nation's consciousness, and regardless of which way you voted or how you feel about the outcome, it is fair to assume that your stress level has gone up in recent days.
One of the things that is true of human beings in general is that we don't like change. We like things to be predictable. We like routine. We like a little surprise here and there as long as it is a "good" surprise, but when things happen that knock us off kilter, we don't react well.
I know from my own personal experience that friendships have been strained over this particular election. It doesn't make either party right or wrong...they are just on different sides with different points of view and perspectives.
On the heels of this major event in our collective experience, we are also soon going to become embroiled in the holiday season and all of the trappings that go along with that: parties, shopping, financial insecurities, family get togethers, travel, and for some of us, reckoning with the first major holiday since the loss of a loved one.
It is a lot to juggle, but here is what I know for sure: stress gone unmanaged will make you sick.
The good new is that there are things you can do to be proactive in dealing with your stress, and that is why I am offering a Master Class on "Stress Management During the Holidays" on November 28th at 7:00 EST. I would love it if you would join me.
In the meantime, if you are feeling stressed right now and want to take steps immediately to deal with it, feel free to download my eBook, Stressed, Stretched and Just Plain Overwhelmed. It's FREE. If it helps even a little, I will be thrilled.
So, how about it? Will you join me for the Master Class on "Stress Management During the Holidays?"
Before you go...
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