Serendipities Revisited: Are You Paying Attention to the Serendipities in YOUR Life?
Kitty J. Boitnott, Ph.D. NBCT, RScP
Life Strategies and Stress Management Coach
If you have been receiving my newsletters for a while, you have heard me expound on the power of serendipities in our lives. If you are new to my list, however, you may not have heard about my philosophy regarding the power of serendipities in our lives.
For my video message, click here.
I am always open to the possibility of discovering a serendipity in my life, and therefore, I experience them on a pretty regular basis. It has been part of my normal routine, and while I never take them for granted, I do experience them fairly frequently.
What I also believe, however, is that not everyone is open to serendipities, therefore they fail to experience their power or even their presence in their lives.
Just this week, I met a woman who feels the same way I do about serendipities, but she refers to them as "God winks." She had found a book by SQuire Rushnell entitled When God Winks at You: How God Speaks Directly to You Through the Power of Coincidence.
This individual (and if she is reading this she will know who she is) sent me a copy of the book, and I received it today. I can't wait to read it, but what I already know is that it will simply reinforce what I already believe. There are no coincidences in our lives that don't have some meaning on some level. We can pay attention to the message that they carry for us, or we can ignore them. We choose.
Whatever is going on in your life, I urge you to be open to the serendipities that are occurring all the time. You will only recognize them, however, when you are open to them. So I urge you to open up. Be on the look out for them. I bet you will start finding them all around you. And when you do, let me know. I would love to hear about your experience.
Until next week.
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