Set Your Intention and Make a Decision for 2015

Kitty J. Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT

Certified Life Strategies & Stress Management Coach


New Year New Plans Photo by Shutterstock

For today's message about the importance of making a decision or setting an intention instead of setting a New Year's Resolution that has little chance of being kept, click here.

Studies show that few people keep a New Year's Resolution past the first week, and even fewer people can point to New Year's Resolutions as being the turning points in their lives.

Those who talk about how they changed their lives in a big way by losing weight and keeping it off or getting a new job or starting their own business talk in terms of making a decision. It is the decision that you make that creates the space for your intention around making meaningful changes in your life.

Habits are ingrained. That's why they are "habits." They are automatic, and we tend to default to our automatic behaviors unless we decide to change once and for all. Watch the video message I offer on this week's topic on how to head into the New Year with a decision to change...not just a resolution that you are more than likely NOT going to keep.

If you will recall, I told you in a message I sent on Sunday that I had created an "Offer" for Facebook, and I reduced the price of my 4-part program on "Visioning and Goal Setting." This program is the same Webinar series that I offered as a live program back in the fall, but it came to me on Sunday that it is the perfect program for setting new intentions (instead of New Year's Resolutions which never work) and getting started on making 2015 your best year ever.

As I shared in my message of Sunday, I thought I was done when I finally posted the "final" version of my offer on Facebook...but then it occurred to me that if I was going to offer this special deal to people who happen to be friends and followers on Facebook, why not offer it to the subscribers of my newsletter as well!

So I sent you the special offer on Sunday. I truly believe that if you are interested in making 2015 your best year yet...a year of making a difference and making meaningful changes in your life, whether it is to lose weight, get a better job, or have a better relationship, you must take action. If you want to set new goals for your career, or if it is time to CHANGE your career...delay no longer. This is your chance to make the changes you have been delaying and to make them real and lasting.

The 4-part program that I was offering online (totally automated, you can work through it on your own and at your own pace) was originally $297 while it was live. I reduced the price after it went automatic to $147. From now until midnight January 1, 2015, I am offering the entire 4-part program for only $97.

And just for you...I am not offering this bonus to Facebook purchasers...if you decide to purchase this program, let me know and I will send you FREE the other course I have online which is on "Courage--Risks & Rewards," another $97 value!

You need to act now, though. I will be putting the price back up to $147 on January 2, 2015.

Do this for yourself. Make this commitment to yourself and demonstrate that you are serious about making whatever changes in your life you want to make once and for all.

Go here now to make your purchase. If you aren't 100% satisfied after you have worked your way through the entire program, let me know, and I will happily refund your purchase. No questions asked. 

So go here now and purchase your 4-part program on making 2015 your best year ever.

Happy New Year!

Please like me on Facebook or follow me onTwitter and find me on LinkedIn


If you or a friend or family member is looking for a job because they are out of work, between jobs, or underemployed, contact me for information about the “disruptive job search” methodology that is taught atCareerHMO, the “cure for chronic career pain.” I am now working as a career coach with CareerHMO and am looking for people who could benefit from the program and the fantastic resources that are available through CareerHMO and its sister site, Careerealism.




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Vanessa Jackson
Phoenix Rising Coaching
1541 Flaming Oak
New Braunfels Texas 78132
United States of America