Small Daily Changes Lead to Big Life Changes
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach | Life Strategies & Stress Management Coach
You want to live fuller, happier life. Without exception, that is a truth about all human beings.
The challenge you face is that what you want often seems to be so far out of our reach! How can you be happier? How can you feel more fulfilled? How do you realize your personal conception of what a fuller, happier life is?
I was listening to a podcast offered by an online mentor of mine recently. Her name is Amy Porterfield, and she was sharing how far she and her husband have come in realizing their dream of a happier, fuller life because of her online marketing business. She is now making good money. (And when I say, "good money" I am talking lots of money by any standard.)
As she was building her online business, her husband, Hobie, quit his job as a contractor and become a fire fighter...a lifelong dream of his.
They experienced some lean years. She had left her corporate job working with Tony Robbins to make her entrepreneurial dream come alive, and times were tough at first.
They stuck with it, however, and now they are doing extremely well.
They haven't forgotten their roots, though, and they are grateful every day for the life they are now leading.
They are now living debt free in their dream home. They are also each 100% committed and supportive of each other's work.
They were sharing how they have supported one another over the years, and it hasn't always been easy. Hobie admitted that he had needed to set aside his ego when they go to the accountant to do the taxes. His wife is making the serious money in the family. He has had to set aside his masculine pride.
What I took away from listening to the podcast is that they are a very lucky couple. They pursued their professional goals and dreams and made them a reality. Furthermore, their luck is compounded by success beyond their wildest hopes.
I took several things away from listening to their story. First, it helps when you have someone who can support you in your dreams. They don't have to understand everything about what you are up to, but having moral support is important.
Secondly, it is important to remember that small daily changes lead to big life changes. Rome wasn't built in a day. You can't change your whole life overnight. Instead, you need to take small daily action that leads to your ultimate goals.
It is a fact that the goal doesn't matter that much as long as it is important to you. The principle remains the same. If you want to lose 30 pounds, you have to commit to losing the first pound, and then the first five pounds. Without that commitment and the changes that go with it, you not only won't lose the 30 pounds that you want to lose. You may gain another 10 before long because you haven't changed anything about your daily habits.
Fitness goals take small daily changes and a commitment to stick with it on a consistent basis.
Regardless of what it is you want in your life, your habits will dictate your success. And that is true for your professional goals as well.
I work with a lot of teachers who are eager to make a major change in their career, and they are impatient to get it done. They feel uncomfortable with what I refer to as the "messy middle." The "messy middle" is that period during which the change is taking shape. The final outcome hasn't presented itself yet though.
Changing jobs or careers is no different from losing 30 pounds except for the goal itself. You don't decide today that you want to lose 30 pounds and voilá, the pounds disappear. By the same token, you don't decide that you want to change your job or career and voilá, you have that new job or career. It doesn't work that way.
You have to endure the "messy middle."
Part of the reason for that is to test your resolve. Do you really want to change your job or career? Or is it merely a passing fancy? You need to commit to making serious changes in your life if you want a new job or career. Job hunting is not for wimps. It is for those who are serious about making a positive change in their lives.
If you have thought it is time to consider a new job or career, I invite you to join me Saturday for a live, free webinar training. The training is on tap for June 3rd at 11:00 a.m. EDT. To register, click here: https://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/6580f80753
During this webinar training, I will show you what you need to know about the job search process. There are specific aspects of the job search process you need to understand:
1) The #1 challenge every job seeker faces.
2) How your resume needs to include certain elements that you may not know because they have changed.
3) How to create a cover letter strategy.
4) Your resume and cover letter need to be picture perfect...no exceptions.
5) How the Applicant Tracking System can hurt you.
6) The importance of developing an intentional personal and online brand.
7) The importance of social media in your job search, especially LinkedIn.
8) How you need to clean up your social media footprint.
9) The importance of networking in your job search.
10) How to interview like a pro.
I also cover the importance of maintaining a positive attitude while job searching. Attitude is everything. And job hunting is hard! It can take a toll on even the most positive, upbeat person.
If you don't need the training, feel free to share the link with someone who might. A lot of college graduates recently entered the job market. Many of them will be looking for their first job. This training may be useful to them.
For questions, please contact me at kittyboitnott@gmail.com.
A reminder: in his latest book, Jeff dismantles the myth of the starving artist. He shows you how you can make a living being creative.
In other words, how do we do our best, most creative work -- and still succeed?
Being creative, Jeff argues, isn’t a disadvantage for success. It’s the best way to get there.
This book shows you how to make a living off your “art.” This book is for you if you want to be a writer, painter, you or speaker has some other creative talent. If you would like to make a living doing what you love, you need this book. Step by step, you will learn:
1. How to steal from your influences... in the right way
2. Why you don’t need to be a loner to be a genius
3. How to take strategic risks (instead of reckless ones)
4. What it takes to make money off your art
If you pre-order Jeff’s book by 11:59 PST June 6, 2017, you’re eligible to receive three special bonuses worth over $200.
Bonus #1: The Real Artists Don’t Starve Online Course ($100)
In this 12-part video course, Jeff teaches how to make a living off your art. He elaborates on the principles in the book and shares his knowledge and experience.
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Learn from the hundreds of experts and "Thriving Artists." Jeff interviewed these people doing the research of this book.
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Again, if you have questions, please let me know. I have loved this book, and I look forward to getting my copy in the mail. I read a pre-launch copy, and I ordered a hard copy to have on hand and to take advantage of the bonuses. I have already completed the video course, and I loved it, too.