Start Now Creating Your Intention for 2020
Rev. Dr. Kitty J. Boitnott, NBCT, RScP | Life Strategies & Stress Management Coach
I know, I know. We still have Hannukah and Christmas ahead of us, so why am I bringing up the need to create an intention for 2020?
Because if you are like most people, you will continue to push off thinking about your intentions for 2020, and the next thing you know, 2021 will be around the corner.
One thing I grew fond of saying while I was President of the Virginia Education Association is that "Time flies whether you are having any fun or not." And here's something else that seems to be true. The older you get, the faster time seems to fly.
Now, I want to be precise. I am not talking about "New Year's resolutions." Research shows that New Year's resolutions hardly ever work.

I am talking about intentions. What do you intend to make happen next year?
If you are perfectly happy with your life in every respect, then you may not need to do anything! And lucky, lucky you if that is the case.
And let me also be clear that an intention is not the same thing as a wish, a hope, or a dream.
An intention is something you plan for, aim at, make happen.

So, what do you intend to make happen? Well, maybe you could use a guide to help you think about it and plan for it. If so, click here for a tool that may help. It's called "What Will You Accomplish in 2020?" To access it, click here.
Use it to spur your thinking about how you want to change your life in any significant way.
I set my intention last year to lose 13 pounds. I am proud to say that I not only met that goal, but I also exceeded it by five pounds. Now, in truth, I have wanted to lose those pounds for quite a while. But nothing happened until I got serious and set an intention. Even that wasn't enough, though. I also needed to create a plan that I would stick with, so I could turn the intention into a reality.
If you want to change something in your life, whether it is a job, a relationship, your weight, etc. you have first to set the intention, and then you have to create a plan.
A while back, I created a 5-step plan for creating the future you want and deserve. If you are interested in seeing more about the program, click here.
In short, here is what the plan entails:
1) Create a vision for your ideal outcome for yourself in whatever area you want to change your life. Use visualization to help you in the creation process. Consider what change(s) you wish to make and list them on a piece of paper to make them more real.
2) Activate your belief in your ability to achieve the outcome you envision for yourself from step 1. This is where most people get stuck. They want to change something in their lives, but they don't really believe they can. So, they don't even try. They let their negative beliefs stop them before they even get started.
3) Let NO ONE and NOTHING stand in your way as you go about working to make your vision for yourself a reality. That means overcoming obstacles of all sorts--including your own negativity at times. Don't do anything unethical, of course. And don't break any laws or hurt anyone in the process of going for what you want. But at the same time, don't listen to those who will try to tell you that you can't do something that is important to you. They will try to tell you not to go for your dream. Don't listen to them.
4) Demonstrate through small, regular, daily actions that you are willing to go for your vision even when the going gets tough, or you don't see immediate results. Stick with your vision. Take action in the direction of that vision. Stick with it day by day and keep your vision at the forefront of your mind.
5) The ultimate OUTCOME will be the inevitable result of your vision for your future success. Be open to it showing up a little (or a lot) different from what you expected. It may show up even better than you thought. But being open is the key to your ultimate success.

It may help if you create a vision board.
The main thing is to be ready to take meaningful action in the direction of the life you want for yourself. You are in the driver's seat of your life, after all. So, what are you waiting for? Set your intention, create a plan, and let's make 2020 your best year ever!
Until next time.
P. S.
Did you hear about the End-of-Year Sale I am offering on my signature "Jumpstart Your Job Search Program?" Save 30% if you sign up between now and the end of the year. If changing your job in 2020 is one of your intentions, perhaps now is the time to invest in the program that is designed to teach you how to be successful in your job search or career change.
Gain the clarity you need and understand how to use the job search tools you need to position yourself for your next great career opportunity.
The first step in any job search or career change is to answer the question, "What do you want to do now?" If you feel like you just want to shrug your shoulders because you have no idea, you are in the right place.
Then you have to execute the moving parts of a successful job search. Write a résumé, learn how to write compelling cover letters, create a LinkedIn profile, and interview with poise and aplomb. It's a lot to juggle, and you must be able to juggle it all to be successful.
I have discounted for a limited time only!
- Clarity about what you want in your next job. Assess your skills, talents, gifts, experience, and expertise and focus on what you want to do NEXT in your professional life.
- A winning resume template that will make you a stand-out candidate for the job you want and get you invited to an interview along with a comprehensive list of resume do’s and do-not’s.
- A compelling cover letter template that will make someone to read your cover letter instead of tossing it into the trash without a look.
- A complete step-by-step video series on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile so that it attracts recruiters and supports your written resume. Hiring managers will want to know more about you!
- Establish an irresistible online and in-person brand. Understand that as a “business of one,” it is up to you to create a brand that will attract your ideal job to you.
- Learn to interview like a pro. Crush your competition by being the stand out in the interview. Know how to answer the questions, “What problem can you solve?”; “How can you make our company money?” or “How can you save our company money?”
- Understand the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and why it is not your friend. Learn workarounds.
- Develop networking skills that will work both in-person and online to create the connections you need.
- Receive 120-days of unlimited email support, which includes video reviews of your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your cover letter(s), and more.
- Eight bi-monthly group coaching calls
- Unlimited just-in-time calls
- Resume templates, cover letter template, help with LinkedIn, and much, much more!
This program usually sells for $997.
For a limited time only, the price is discounted by 30%. Get it between now and the end of the year for $697 or $127 in 6 equal payments every 30 days.

$697 or 6 equal payments of $127 each