Storms Sometimes Come Into Our Lives Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT
This Labor Day weekend, many people up and down the East Coast from Florida to New York and beyond had a major storm come to their shores. As I write this article, I am reminded of the time when I watched the satellite photos of Hurricane Katrina in late August of 2005. I remember distinctly thinking that somehow that mega-storm that was causing so much damage and destruction in New Orleans and beyond was a metaphor for what was happening in my life. It seemed like an outer manifestation of the internal storm that I was dealing with at the time.
Without going into a lot of detail about what is now ancient history, let it suffice to say that I have weathered storms in my life that at the time that they were occurring I wasn't sure I would survive. We all face such times. We have to take it one day at a time and put one foot in front of the other to get through...but we do get through.
In my case, during this time of emotional turmoil in my life, I wasn't sure what to do or where to turn. It seemed that everything around me had turned upside down, and nothing was assured. All the while, I went through the motions of living a "normal" existence. I went to work where few people knew what was going on with me, and I continued to work on my doctorate as though nothing else was going on even though nothing was "normal" anymore.
This occasion in my life was probably one of the toughest I have ever faced other than the loss of my parents. This month, I will also be marking the 30th anniversary of the accident that took my father away from us when he was only 63--the same age I am now. It seems like yesterday when I got the call...and my life was forever changed by that tragic and senseless event.
All of this is by way of saying that whatever is going on in your life right now, whether it is sunny and bright or dark and stormy, it won't stay this way forever. None of us are immune from sadness and heartache. No one gets through this life without having to deal with the pain of loss. But maybe the whole point is that by going through those times, we are better positioned to help others when they hit their rocky storms in life. I know that the difficulties I experienced back during the Katrina days have made me who I am at least in part, and they help inform much of what I do as a coach and minister now. I look back on that time, and I am grateful for the lessons learned and the strength I gained from weathering difficult times.
If you are going through your own dark period, take heart. It will pass. Things will get better. Have faith. The Bible says, "Ask and ye shall receive." I know that it is true that if you ask for help, it will come to you. Just be patient. It may not all resolve itself instantly, but it will be resolved. You will experience joyful times again. There is a season for all things...joy as well as sadness.
Until next time.
If you are experiencing a lot of stress in your life, you may want to take a look at my stress assessment. Download it for free now. If you would like help with managing your stress, let me know. We cn talk.
