Taking It to the Next Level
Kitty J. Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach, aka Career Makeover Coach
For today's video message, click here.
I am so very excited about the fact that today marks a new turning point in my business, and I want to share the good news with you. The fact of the matter is that without you, I wouldn't be celebrating today, nor would I be looking into the lens of what I plan to be a very bright future for Boitnott Coaching, LLC.
You see, tonight, I am launching my first online program. It is a program that I have built from scratch based on my experience with over 100 job seekers in the past 3 years. It is hard to believe, but I started this business--Boitnott Coaching, LLC--just three "short" years ago in April of 2013. I am getting ready to celebrate a true milestone. Most entrepreneurial enterprises don't survive this long. The challenges get to their proprietor, and they give up or give in as the case may be.
I have never been a quitter, however, and I didn't start this business with the idea that I wouldn't do everything in my power to make it successful. That is why tonight is a pivotal night for me and for my business.
I will be offering a free, live webinar build around the giveaway e-report that I wrote a few months ago. I will be sharing what I believe are the 10 considerations every job seeker or career changer should consider as they undertake the task of finding a new job or creating a new career path. There are probably more than 10 considerations, truth be told, but I am calling the program, "Jumpstart Your Job Search in 10 'Easy' Steps," and any additional steps that I come up with will become "bonus" steps.
I have created 75% of the program and had the early modules/lessons beta tested. I believe I am ready to roll it out for consumer consumption. If we run into bugs during the first days and weeks, I will just fix them. I am eager to get the information out to people who may need it.
While this is a program that can help anyone who may be looking for a new job--from the first time graduate to the mid-career professional--I believe it may be useful to even the individual who is mostly satisfied with their current job but might want to be in the position of feeling competent to look should something at work change.
You never know what might happen which is why a former colleague of mine was fond of saying, "every job is temporary." That is certainly true, especially in today's economy. Even with the gradual recovery that we have been experiencinig...or perhaps because of the gradual recovery we have been experiencing...individuals need to understand the job market and how to best navigate the job search terrain. You never know when you might be in need of having your resume sharpened up or your LinkedIn profile optimized. My program will help with that.
If you are interested, I hope you will plan to join me on the webinar tonight. I will be hosting 100 individuals (the room will close on the 101st person), and I will be giving away a ton of information as I prepare to roll out my program.
Registration for tonight's webinar is here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2178770624325069314
My program will be offered at varying price points starting at only $97, and if you want to give the gift of a job search strategy to a graduate or a loved one who complains about their job a lot, this might be a great gift offer.
Whether you can join me tonight or not, I wanted to share my sense of excitement with you. You have seen me start from the very beginning when I only had a few dozen individuals on my email list. I have recently crossed the 1000 mark, and I am busy trying to get that to 5,000 and 10,000 as soon as possible!
So, let me say a great big "Thank You" to those of you who have been with me from the very beginning of this adventure, and let me say "Welcome" to those who have just signed on. In the words of the well-known poem, I hope that "The best is yet to be."
Photo by Shutterstock.
For questions, just reply to this newsletter or call me at 804-404-5475.
For the short e-report on the 10 things every job seeker should consider when changing jobs or careers, go to my homepage and sign up: http://kittyatcareermakeover.coachesconsole.com.

Photo by Shutterstock