The Story of a Successful Career Transition
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
First, let me wish you a Happy 4th of July!

I hope you enjoy your holiday and that it is a happy and healthy one for you and your family.
Secondly, I want to celebrate the recent success of one of my clients. I am so excited for her, I just have to share her story. You may watch her video case study by going to this link: https://youtu.be/IOtJN7H31E4
Deanna was a teacher in Wisconsin. She reached out to me this past April to learn about my services. She expressed many of the frustrations and concerns I hear from teachers who reach out to me all the time. She felt disrespected. In spite of her years of service and her experience and expertise, no one listened to her anymore. She felt her talents were being underutilized. She was ready for a change.
In fact, she had already made one change this past year when she transferred from one school to another, but she learned that the situation didn't change. The faces were different, but the problems with education remained the same.
She hired me and launched into the work head first. She was "all in" from the start. She made a plan for how to work her way through the program she purchased, and she stuck with it. Really, she was an ideal client in every way.
She had no preconceived notions about outcomes. She didn’t care how long it took. She just knew that she wanted something that would offer more respect and satisfaction than she felt with teaching anymore.
She was so diligent in following the program that she landed her new job in just 7 weeks. That is almost unheard of. The average job search is 4 to 9 months. She also negotiated her salary to meet what she needed in order to leave her teaching position for the new position. Her new boss wanted her badly enough that he raised her salary $17,000! Way to go!
Deanna is the exception to the rule regarding how long the average job search lasts. But I don't think her results are the product of luck in any way. She dived into the program and had a "take no prisoner's" attitude. She was determined to be successful. She decided what she wanted and she went for it.
I hope you will join me in congratulating Deanna on her new adventure!
Do you know what the three secrets of a successful job search are?
I will fill you in on what they are:
1) The first secret of a successful job search or career transition is knowing what you want.
2) The second secret of a successful job search or career transition is understanding how to use the different job search tools effectively. (Your resume, your LinkedIn profile, your cover letters, your social media efforts, etc.)
3) The third secret of a successful job search or career transition is having the determination and perseverance to put those tools together properly and develop an effective plan of execution.
Sounds simple, right?
Oh, if that were only so.
If you want to know more, I invite you to join me for a webinar presentation I am offering this week. You can choose between joining me live Thursday night, July 6th at 7:00 pm EDT or Saturday morning at 11:00 a.m. EDT.
To choose and sign up for one of the dates, go to this link: https://kittyboitnott.lpages.co/work-you-love-master-class/
This is a different presentation from the ones you may have seen in the past. I think you might find it useful if you are looking for a new job or think you may be on the cusp of wanting to make a career change.
So join me using this link: https://kittyboitnott.lpages.co/work-you-love-master-class/.
Deanna made a successful career transition. And others have been similarly successful. What is holding you back from having the job or career of your dreams?
Until next time.
Want to talk about your specific situation? Not sure if you are ready for a change yet? Feel free to contact me for information about a 20-minute complimentary discovery session. I would love to chat with you about what you want for yourself moving forward.
Make an appointment here:
