Why Being Competitive is a Good Thing
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Heart-Centered Career Transition and Job Search Coach

We have all heard the expression that the world is a "dog eat dog" place, right? After all, every living thing competes for resources that are needed to survive. If you believe in evolution, you need to accept the concept of the survival of the fittest.
As human beings, our brains are hardwired to engage in competition. That's part of the reason we love games so much. There is always a winner and a loser. Winning is fun! Losing? Not so much.
The problem is that some people see competition as an undesirable trait.
Traditionally, women, especially, were supposed to "play nice" and not let their competitive urges overcome them. As a result, women have struggled in the workplace for generations. But one of these days--perhaps in the not too distant future--that will change.
The problem is that a large segment of society looks at competition as a "right versus wrong" issue. Sometimes we see in businesses a "win at all cost, take no prisoners" kind of behavior, which isn't useful in the end. Compromise is frowned upon because everybody wins when we compromise. There are no losers, and where's the fun in winning if everyone wins?
But what if we are looking at the issues of competition through the wrong lens?
This imposed polarity--right versus wrong--masks the true nature of competition. Competitiveness doesn't have to be either a black or white extreme.
Instead, look at genuine competition as a force for positive change.

The successful business person accepts that healthy and honest competition is behind every new innovation. And the business world is driven forward by this innovation. That occurs in response to changes in the environment.
In the natural world, these changes are mainly climactic. The life form that best adapts to these changes survives and thrives. In the business world, these changes are socio-economic. The business that best predicts market trends and meets demand also survives and thrives.
People in business need to remember that competition is the lifeblood of the marketplace. It not only drives innovation it also inspires creativity.
It helps build new paradigms.
Steve Jobs understood this perhaps better than anyone.
Now, when it comes to hunting for a new job or changing careers, it is essential to remember that you compete with other candidates who want the same job. If you want to get the job, you have to "win" the job-hunting game. And it is pretty much a game. Don't be lulled into thinking otherwise.
So don't shy away from your naturally competitive nature. In fact, I suggest you embrace it and use it to your advantage. Don't forget that you are in the game to win the game by getting the job you want.
Challenge yourself in the process.

Through competition, you can drive yourself to better outcomes.
But before you can win the game of job hunting, you have to know the rules, so be sure to learn what you need to know about the rules. Study them and wrap your arms around all that you need to know and do if you want to succeed in your job search.
You can do it as long as you don't give up! So get out there and compete for the job of your dreams. You will be glad you did.
Until next time.
P. S.
If you are considering starting a job search or you have been looking for a while with no success, it may be that you aren't up to speed on the rules of the game. Or perhaps there is something wrong with the tools you are using to play. Is your resume relevant to the job you are applying for? Are you writing compelling cover letters, or are you simply regurgitating what is in your resume? Do you have an up-to-date, fully complete LinkedIn profile that showcases all that you can do and have achieved? And do you know the secret of successful interviewing?
If you aren't sure or know that some of your tools or approaches need help, let's talk. Make an appointment for a complimentary Discovery Session, and let's discuss how I might help you with your next job search. To set up an appointment, click on this link: https://teachersintransition.com/calendar.