The Importance of Habit
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT, RScP
Certified Life Strategies, Stress Management, and Holistic Life Coach/ Career Transition & Job Search Coach
For today's video, click here.
Mahatma Gandhi once said: Your beliefs become your thoughts; your thoughts become your words; your words become your actions; your actions become your habits; your habits become your values; your values become your destiny."
Assuming that all of that is true (and I believe it is) then the importance of your habits is critically important to your success in any endeavor.
Look at the chart above. Pay attention to some of its claims. "40% of our daily actions are based on habit."
"85% of New Year's resolutions fail by the first week."
And pay attention to the graphic that indicates the time it takes to form a new habit, based on the level of difficulty.
It takes 21 days to incorporate a more-or-less-easy-to-form habit into your routine.
It takes 67 days to incorporate a moderately difficult habit into your routine...
and it may take as long as 117 days to incorporate a difficult-to-form habit into your life and routine.
In terms of weeks, 117 days is over 16 weeks or a little over 4 months.
This is why I am starting the "7 Months to 7 Healthier Habits" program that I am kicking off Monday night (January 4) at 7:00 EST.
The group that will be joining me for the "7 Months to 7 Healthier Habits" program will be incorporating one new healthy habit into their routines and lifestyles each month, starting with drinking the recommended amount of water during the month of January.
That is the only change we will be working on during the month.
Most of us know that we should be drinking more water, but most of us don't do it. Why? Because we haven't made it a habit.
Look at this photograph of Sarah Smith from the UK:
For more about Sarah and her experiment, go here.
The only change this woman, Sarah made in her habits is that she started drinking the recommended amount of water.
What you see above is her before and after photo. After just 4 weeks, she looks younger, and she reportedly feels better as well.
For more information on the health benefits along with some cautions regarding water and how much you should drink, check out this article by the Mayo Clinic.
One caution is to remember that when thinking about how much water YOU should take in each day, remember that you are also drinking other fluids, so take that into account. You do not want to become water logged.
Don't assume, however, that if you are drinking 4 sodas a day and 5 cups of coffee that you are getting the amount and type of fluid that you need for good health.
In fact, your body requires good old plain WATER in order to function properly. Your body's trillions of cells need water in order to function properly and to flush away the toxins that those trillions of cells produce in the course of an ordinary day.
Water helps you stay hydrated, keeps your systems running smoothly, and helps you think clearer while staying more focused on important tasks all day long.
If you want to learn more about the benefits of water and including the other 6 healthy habits into your lifestyle over the course of the next 7 months, let me know.
If you want to check out the program, just click "7 Months to 7 Healthier Habits for 2016."
Are you interested in learning about the importance of visioning and goal setting for the New Year?
If so, join me this afternoon (December 29) at 4:00 p.m. EST for this FREE webinar. Sign up here: http://app.webinarjam.net/register/11680/031e673043.
I hope you will join me.
Whether you do or not, I hope you have a Happy, Happy New Year!
Until next time.
Infographic by Shutterstock
Have you downloaded your free book, Stressed, Stretched, and Just Plain Overwhelmed yet? This book explains the negative health implications of not understanding and dealing with the stress in your life. It offers practical, affordable, common sense strategies for taking better care of yourself and it offers advice on creating work-life balance that eludes most of us too much of the time.
To access your FREE copy of the book, just click on the graphic below for the download. Please feel free to share as you see fit. As I said, I just want the information to get to the people who need it.
