Real Artists Don't Starve


What Do You Have to Share?

Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP

Career Transition & Job Search Coach | Life Strategies and Stress Management Coach | Sleep Science Coach

Let me ask you a question, and be honest. You don't have to share your answer (unless you want to). Do you have a sense that there is something special you alone can share with the world?

Do you have a hidden talent or gift that you are keeping to yourself?

Life Coach and Speaker, Mel Robbins suggests that it is a miracle that we are each here right now. If that is the case, and if you are hanging on to a talent that you aren't sharing, are you holding out on the world? Don't you owe it to the rest of us to share your gift?

What if Michelangelo has been reluctant to share his talent? What if Albert Einstein had decided to hide his genius? What if Mother Teresa had stayed cloistered in her nunnery?

In contemporary times, what if Pope Francis were playing it safe? What if he were only sharing the traditional message of the Vatican? Instead, he is speaking up for those who are poor. He is a new champion for the disadvantaged. He is carrying the torch for many of the social justice issues of our time.

The point is that we each have an individualized spark of genius. The art form itself doesn't matter. There are geniuses in each area of music, drawing, painting, poetry, prose, and oration.

It is only the courageous few, unfortunately, who take the necessary leap of faith and dare to share their talent. When you open yourself up like that, you are opening yourself to criticism. You are also open to ridicule, and rejection.

One thing that holds people back from sharing their talent is their focus on making a living. Wouldn't it better if we were more focused on making a life?

That is what Jeff Goins' new book is about. The book, Real Artists Don't Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative Age. offers examples of individual artists who have shared their talents and not only made a living doing it, but they have also enriched their own lives and the lives of others in the process.

Full disclosure:  I am an affiliate in the launch of this book. If you buy from my link, and you sign up for the bonuses, I will get a small commission. But as an affiliate, I got a pre-launch copy of the book. I promise that if I hadn't thought it was amazing, I would not be making this recommendation.

It is not hyperbole when I tell you that from the very first page, I love this book and its message.

I know you have heard along with the rest of the world that artists can't make a decent living. There is the whole starving artist myth that Jeff explores. We have collectively accepted the idea that the person who is able to capitalize on their talent is the exception to the rule. Parents caution their children to train for a "real job." Don't count on your talent as a singer or dancer or writer to support you.

Jeff Goins himself was working in the corporate world before becoming a professional writer. In his book, Jeff has interviewed people who have learned the importance of self-expression. He provides numerous examples of individuals who have successfully shared their talent with the world and made a living doing it.

Jeff contends that if you are a creative person, you can make a living doing what you love if you are smart about it.

In his bonus course, he offers 12 lessons from the book. Each one has value.

He offers examples to support each of his lessons. In the end, he offers the idea that we are entering a new phase in our economy.

We have already experienced the Industrial Age, and we have been in the midst of the Information Age He offers that both "ages" supported economic growth during their respective periods in history.

In Real Artists Don't Starve, Goins contends that we just entered the Creative Economy.

This new economy consists of people who share their creative talents with the world. They are also supporting themselves financially--some quite handsomely--in the process. Indeed, beyond supporting themselves, they also support others by hiring them to help share the work.

For example, Jeff Goins has a team and he is hiring people. He is looking for an Operations Manager, a Content Manager, and a Social Media Manager among other positions. He has launched an entire entrepreneurial enterprise based on his creative talent. And he is not alone in that.

Others come to mind as well:  Michael Hyatt, Amy Porterfield, and Marie Forleo are all doing the same thing in different ways. And there are countless others.

These creative people are using their talents and experiences and sharing with the world. They are creating content on a daily basis for people to consume. They each have other people who work for and with them. For example, Marie Forleo has a whole TV crew to support her Marie TV which is a YouTube channel.

Like Jeff Goins, Marie also believes that people have unique talents that only they can share with the world.

So, I ask you again, "What do you want to share with the world?"

If you haven't allowed yourself to give it a lot of thought until now, I urge you to do that right now. Consider what you may be holding back.

How might your sharing your gift make a difference to the world? 

I highly recommend Jeff's book to you. Pre-order it today so you can get the bonuses. You will be glad you did.



Hey, before you go...would you like to explore what your unique talent might be? Would you like someone to bounce your ideas around with? I would love to help if I can!

How about making an appointment for a 20-minute Discovery Session? 

I might be able to offer some ideas for you that you can pursue. I would love to help you uncover what your hidden talents or gifts are. Here is the link to my calendar:

Let's talk!

Until next time. 






Vanessa Jackson
Phoenix Rising Coaching
1541 Flaming Oak
New Braunfels Texas 78132
United States of America