When One Door Closes, Look for Another One to Open
Rev. Dr. Kitty Boitnott, NBCT
Certified Life Strategies, Holistic Life and Stress Management Coach
For today's video message, click here. We are at the beginning of the fall season, a time for harvesting that which we may have planted in the spring and nurtured and cared for though the summer. In a few weeks, if you live in the mid-Atlantic or Northeast regions of the U.S., you will start to feel a difference in the air, and in just a few more weeks, the trees will start to turn and fall and winter will be here before we know it.
In spite of the traditional season being one of harvest, I find myself at the beginning of yet another new phase professionally. I am both excited and nervous about how things will unfold. Perhaps you can relate depending on what is happening in your own life?
Specifically, what is going on with me is that I am leaving CareerHMO as an Independent Coach Consultant effective September 25. The company is undergoing yet another reorganization and the owner has downsized the number of coaches. She told me that she wasn't worried about my ability to pick up and be successful. She knows that I have been working on a separate entity and she is confident that I will be "just fine" as I leave CareerHMO as one of the 15 Independent Coach Consultants. (She has selected 7 to stay on, and I was not one of them.)
I have mixed feelings about it, I admit. I was immensely proud of my affiliation with CareerHMO. I had been a client, and I felt that the program made a huge difference for me as I transitioned away from education and into private practice as a Coach to teachers experiencing job burnout. I learned a lot from my experience with CareerHMO over the course of the last 14 months, so I am not sorry that I took a chance to work with the company.
As we part ways, I certainly hope that the owner is right about my prospects as I move out completely on my own. If this last week was any indication, it is true that when one door closes, another one opens. While I was in transit to vacation in Florida for a few days, I received not one but two distinct offers that seemed like opportunities too good to dismiss. The first was an invitation to be interviewed by a fellow life coach who hosts a weekly syndicated radio program. She wondered if I would be available to talk about stress management. She said someone who had heard me speak had recommended me.
I responded right away that I would be more than happy to be interviewed. I saw it as a way to spread my name among another audience. In spite of my being on "vacation," I pre-recorded the radio program last Thursday morning, and it will be aired on September 22. Stay tuned. I will give you more information as I have it.
In addition to that opportunity, I was also contacted by someone who had wanted me to provide a program for her last year, but I was going to be out of town and couldn't. Along with my regrets, I had asked that she think of me again in the future. She did. I am now scheduled to speak at a conference that is coming up later this month, and she is going to be paying me my asking fee!
And to top all of that off, I will be working with a nearby school division coaching its cohort of National Board candidates. If things keep up at this pace, I will be busy enough, and the owner of CareerHMO will be right...I will be just fine.
The point is that while it is a cliche, it is also true (as many cliches are)...when one door closes, another one is sure to open...at least as long as you are open to it.
What opportunities are you ready for? Are you ready? If someone offered you a new job or some other sort of growth opportunity, would you be ready to take it? Some of you may not be. I urge you to consider if you are stuck in a rut because it feels safe. If so, consider getting out of the rut and moving out of your comfort zone where you will not only grow but your life will be better in just about every way.
Think about it.
Until next time.
Have you downloaded your free book, Stressed, Stretched, and Just Plain Overwhelmed yet? This book explains the negative health implications of not understanding and dealing with the stress in your life. It offers practical, affordable, common sense strategies for taking better care of yourself and it offers advice on creating work-life balance which eludes most of us too much of the time.
To access your FREE copy of the book, just click on the graphic below for the download. Please feel free to share as you see fit. As I said, I just want the information to get to the people who need it.
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If you or a friend or family member is looking for a job because they are out of work, between jobs, or underemployed, contact me for information about the “disruptive job search” methodology that is taught at CareerHMO, the “cure for chronic career pain.” I am no longer affiliated with CareerHMO, but I do still recommend their program and you can get it now for only $9 a month.
If you choose to subscribe and then have questions, you can always contact me. I will be happy to help you with your resume or your LinkedIn profile...or both!
Don't forget about my offer to help you with your LinkedIn profile. One hour of time with me on the phone while I walk you through what you need in order to make your LinkedIn profile optimized and ready for prime time. Let me know if you want to take advantage of that special deal.