When Self-Promotion is Unselfish Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition & Job Search Coach
We live in the age of the selfie, Periscope and the instant gratification of Facebook Live. Anyone can be a movie star! If you hit on the right mix of interest, provocation, and value, you can find yourself "going viral." People all over the world can learn who you are.
That brings to my mind the question of "When is self-promotion purely unselfish?" It almost seems like an oxymoron, doesn't? Can self-promotion be purely unselfish?
I think it can, but there is a fine line that separates being self-promotional just for the sake of saying "Hey, over here, look at me!" and being self-promotional because you have something of value to share with others that might benefit them.
This has been on my mind, of course, because I have been engaging in a fair amount (okay, a lot) of self-promotion lately. I am pushing out my new signature program, "Jumpstart Your Job Search" for job seekers who are just starting a job search or who have found themselves stuck and spinning their wheels and need help getting unstuck. The next webinar presentation promoting that program is tonight, so I would love it if you would sign up and join me.
I believe that program has value for the right person. My dilemma is trying to figure out who the right person is!
That is where you might be able to help me. Are you a job seeker, a potential career changer, or are you here for help with your stress?
Perhaps you are here for a combination of reasons.
So, here is the deal. I am offering two programs that might be beneficial to you, and my dilemma is I don't know how to promote them and let you know about them without being "self-promotional."
What to do?
I could hope and pray that you might somehow learn about these offerings through the random chance that you might see a post on my Facebook or Twitter page. I could leave it to chance that you might see it on LinkedIn.
Or I can just bite the bullet, tell you about the programs up front, and ask you to think about attending one (of both) of them if they feel like they may be right for you.
So, if you did decide to sign up, what's in it for YOU?
In the "Jumpstart Your Job Search" program, you will learn the basic things every job seeker needs to take into account when considering a job search. Whether you are actively looking for a job right now or think you might be making a change in a few months, you may learn something from this program that would save you time and money.
That's what's in it for you to sign up for that program.
In the "Stress Management Tools for Teachers" program, you will learn some specific techniques and strategies for managing your stress during these last few months of school. You know...when everyone gets caught up in the testing madness that takes over every school in the country from March through June. No one is immune. In fact, I wrote my most recent blog post about it. See it here in the post from TeachersinDistress.Wordpress.com.
You might benefit directly from one or both of these programs, so I would like to invite you to consider the possibility of signing up for one or both.
The "Jumpstart Your Job Search" program is scheduled for tonight, March 28 at 7 pm Eastern.
The "Stress Management Tools for Teachers" program is scheduled for Thursday, April 6 at 7 pm Eastern.
I would like to ask you to consider that when I am self-promoting a book, article, webinar, or program, I am not being totally selfish. Yes, it is my business, and yes, if you buy something from me, that helps me (a lot), but in return for your investment of time, I promise to provide you with a lot of free and valuable information that you can use whether you buy anything or not. All you have to do is show up.
So, sometimes self-promotion isn't necessarily selfish. It is, after all, still all about what's in it for YOU.
Until next time.
Hey, before you go...
In case you haven't downloaded it yet, feel free to get the free eBook on stress by clicking here, and if stress isn't your issue but you are interested in changing your job or career, click here to download the guide that will help you get started. Or click on the graphics below to get one or both of these free resources.
If you don't need them, then feel free to share.
Let me know if you have any questions.
And THANK YOU for being here for whatever reason. I appreciate you more than you know.