Why You Should Be Careful What You Wish For
Rev. Dr. Kitty J. Boitnott, NBCT
Certified Life Strategies, Holistic Wellness and Stress Management Coach
Career Transition and Job Search Coach to Teachers and Mid-Career Professionalshere
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Everyone has heard the old adage, "Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it." A more modern, New Thought way of expressing the same sentiment is "Thoughts become things." In other words, what we dwell upon in our thinking has a way of becoming our reality, and yet, many of us resist the idea. If something we didn't want happens, we want to consider it "bad luck." If something we did want happens, we consider it "good luck."
But, what if luck has nothing to do with it? What if it is actually true that our thoughts become things? Would we not want to be more careful about what we thought about? Consider: we are very focused on guns and gun violence in the wake of the recent tragedy in Oregon. While we stay focused on guns and gun violence, it is highly likely that we will continue to experience more gun-related violence. I say that with no amount of pleasure...I just believe it is true. That upon which we dwell, either internally or externally, will ultimately manifest itself into our physical experience. It is a Law based in Quantum Physics.
I witnessed the perfect example of this playing out a couple of weeks ago.
A very good friend of mine called me sounding more than a little rattled. "Well, uh, I still have a job, but I am being transferred from my current work location to a new work location, and I am going to be the manager and the only person in the department...I am being sent to a smaller store, but I will be in charge." His voice trailed off like he was still in shock.
"Congratulations!," I said. "That is what you have been wanting!"
"Huh? Well....yeah....I guess that is true."
Without going into all of the back story, the upshot of this story is that my friend has been wanting his own store for almost two years. He even put in for a transfer at one time, but when he didn't get it, he decided that it "wan't meant to be." He continued to talk to me, however, about how he thought he would be good as the sole manager of his own department. He has the knowledge. He has the experience. He will be great in this new position! But when he got the initial news about the change, he was suddenly seized with uncertainty. The way all of the details had transpired hadn't been in comportment with what he had imagined, so when his "wish" for his own store came true, it came in a time and in a way that threw him a little.
He starts in that new position today, and I know he will do great. He is in the perfect place for him right now in this present point in time. I am sure of it. And he is too, if truth be told.
The moral of his story, however, holds true for you, too. Be careful what you wish for unless you are prepared to have it in your experience in one shape or form.. It may show up unexpectedly, and it may not look like you thought it would look, so I am serious...be careful what you wish for!
I can offer another example of how I have used this principle--and yes it is a principle--in my own life. In fact, I use it routinely in my practice as a Science of Mind Minister, and I have been actively using this principle since 2006. I have many examples I could share, but this one comes to mind at the moment.
When I was finishing up my doctorate...the manifestation of another series of thoughts and wishes...I started looking for a new place in which to live. I had been in an apartment, and I felt the need to buy my own place once I got grad school behind me.
I was torn between buying a townhouse, a condo, or a single-unit home where I would be responsible for the yard and outdoor maintenance. Before I ever engaged a realtor, I did a little house hunting on my own. I was drawn to a town home community not far from my apartment complex. I had determined that I wanted to stay in the same general area, so the location was great.
On a Sunday afternoon, on my own, I wandered into the community and found an Open House. I stopped and took a tour. That particular unit had no appeal for a variety of reasons, but I continued to be interested in the area. I really loved the location. I even loved the name of the community: Mountain Laurel.
In the meantime, I hired a realtor, and we spent a couple of months looking at a variety of town homes, condos, and single-unit homes that were in my price range.
All the while, I would routinely drive by that first community that I had checked out...the one that was in the best location compared to where I was already.
One night, sitting at my computer, I saw photos of a place that popped up in my search. I loved the cherry cabinets in the kitchen. I loved the dark green of the countertops. I sent my realtor the link and asked if she could make arrangements for us to take a look.
Imagine my surprise, when we drove up to the unit that was next door to the very first place I had looked at and wanted because of its location!
This unit was perfect for me. I bought it, and am still here.
Be careful what you wish for does not need to be a warning...it is just a reminder. Thoughts become things, so guard your own thoughts and think mostly good ones. Wish for things that you REALLY want because the Universe only responds to what you SAY you want...not to secret, hidden code. The Universe, in fact, is very literal. So be careful how your craft your thoughts and guard them well. Think thoughts of health and happiness, of prosperity and success. When you are careful to think good thoughts, good things will happen.
Until next time.
Photo by Shutterstock
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