You Have Unlimited Potential
Kitty Boitnott, Ph.D., NBCT, RScP
Career Transition and Job Search Coach | Your Career Makeover Coach
For today's video message, click here.
I work in the realm of possibilities. I was reminded of that today when I was talking with a new client. He offered that he was gaining some clarity around the issue of what he wants his job transition to look like. What was stopping him from taking action, however, was that he didn't think it was possible. He then ticked off the several excuses he had created for himself so that he would be taken off the hook. After all, it something isn't "possible," what's the point in pursuing it, right?
I can relate because when I was at the beginning of my career transition 3 years ago, I fought with the practicality of starting a whole new career at the age of 60. Who does that? Why couldn't I stick with something that I knew and that would feel "safe?" The answer is that I did it because I simply couldn't imagine being happy going back to teaching. I knew too much about what awaited me if I did. That wasn't my calling. My calling was to create something from nothing and call it a coaching practice specializing in coaching burnt-out teachers who need someone like me to be their guide. Someone who can tell them not to feel guilty if they aren't having fun teaching any more. Someone to assure them that there are other things they can do with their talents, their experience, and their education.
At the age of 60, I not only re-tooled myself, I reinvented myself professionally, and I have never been happier or more satisfied. I also do other things. I teach at the University of Richmond. I speak when I get a chance, and I offer a workshop on stress management and work-life balance...something I learned about from my experience at the Virginia Education Association.
I didn't know HOW I was going to make it happen when I started out. I didn't know all of the various things I would have to learn like creating a website, managing email lists, conducting webinars or creating online courses...I didn't have a clue what was involved in starting a business. I just knew that I wanted that more than I wanted anything else, and because I believed in possibilities, I gave myself permission (finally) to go for it.
I didn't know HOW I was going to make it happen.
I just couldn't ignore the urge to break out and try something new. I knew that going back to the classroom was out of the question. I was too tired to want to, but more importantly, I don't think I would have had the patience to be good with kids. I would be in better shape to go back now than I was 4 years ago this month...but if I could go back and do something different, I wouldn't change a thing. That's when you know you are doing something right, I think.
The bottom line is you have to embrace your unlimited potential. You have to understand that you don't have to deal with limitations. You are only as limited as you allow yourself to be.
You are only as limited as you allow yourself to be.
You have a mission and a purpose in life. I believe that. I also believe that true happiness comes when we are living out our mission and purpose.
What do you want to do that you have been afraid to pursue so far? Whatever it is, consider going for it. Don't do anything rash, but don't be overly timid, either. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith.
Note Nelson Mandela's quote before (courtesy of BrainyQuote.com) "It always seems impossible until it's done."
Deal in possibilities. Give the Universe permission to show you the way.
Limit yourself at your own peril.
You can do whatever you want.
Until next time.
